Hey , they're right , you really can't believe everything you read .And if you're reading the predictions for the coming year in the supermarket tabloids , you can't believe anything ." O.J. Simpson will break down and admit he killed Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman , " the " National Enquirer " declared in December 1995 when publishing predictions for 1996 .Not even close .Simpson , while testifying in the wrongful-death civil trial , denied even ever hitting his wife , despite graphic photographs suggesting otherwise .The " Globe " predicted that Tom Hanks , winner of two Oscars for best actor , would win a third for his work in " Apollo 13 . "The award went to Nicolas Cage for playing an alcoholic who drinks himself to death in " Leaving Las Vegas . "Some seers quoted in this newspaper blew the call , too .Tempe astrologer Richard Nolle , who has appeared on the television show " Sightings , " predicted that a major earthquake , measuring around a 7 , would hit California in 1996 .Nope .Warren Freiberg , a psychic from the Midwest who correctly predicted arrests in the Buddhist-temple slaying case in 1991 , said a meteor would land in Texas near a major metropolitan area .Didn't happen .But Nolle did say in December 1995 that the Phoenix Suns were " going to make big personnel changes after the end of the season . "Charles Barkley was traded to the Houston Rockets in August . All most people want from American Family Publishers is a big check delivered by Ed McMahon , but Geraldine Biggs would like an apology as well .While Biggs awaits word of a dying sister in Illinois , she is being besieged by phone calls from people across the country who think she is connected to the Andy Biggs of Phoenix who won $ 10 million from the sweepstakes .As part of their advertising campaign , American Family sent out notices encouraging people to call Andy Biggs of Phoenix to learn how he got the big payoff .Trouble is , Andy Biggs is not listed in the phone book but G.A. Biggs Geraldine is ." I 've got people calling me all the time .I tell them that I 'm not that person but they still call me , " she said .The Phoenix woman said she had a sprinkling of calls for a couple of weeks but the deluge started last week .Sweepstakes operators usually start marketing their contests heavily after Christmas ." That doesn't always sweeten my disposition , " she said .Biggs has been called from New Hampshire , Ohio , South Carolina , Georgia , Kentucky , Arkansas , Florida , California and Oregon .The calls have ranged from the touching to the conniving , including one fellow who tried to convince her he was Andy Biggs ' cousin ." He didn't know anything about the family , " she said ." He was very young and very stupid and hadn't prepared his answers very well . "Other calls were more heartwarming .One came from a little girl whose mother had cancer and whose father couldn't work because he had injured his back .All the girl wanted was some advice on how to win the sweepstakes .Biggs , who doesn't really believe in the power of the sweepstakes , told her to fill out the form carefully and make sure she put a stamp on it .But the callers that really frost Briggs are those who don't believe her when she says she doesn't know Andy Biggs ." They act like I 'm hiding something from them , but I 'm not .But if I knew him , would I be here ? I 'd own my own Lear jet and not be here . "Sure Biggs would like Andy Biggs ' money but she also covets his anonymity .She has called the Better Business Bureau , the Arizona Attorney General 's Office , US West and direct-mail associations to get the phones to stop ringing ." They all tell me there 's nothing to do . "American Family Publishers didn't return phone calls from the media .By now , Biggs isn't so so sure there 's an Andy Biggs out there and she 's not too keen on the sweepstakes , either .On Saturday , she got her own " Wait , you could already be a winner " invitation to the American Family 's sweepstakes .She threw it away ." I want to be left alone , " she said ." No , I want a letter of apology from those two ugly baboons on television McMahon and Dick Clark , American Family spokesmen .If it 's not bad enough , with the phone ringing I 've got to see them on television . "Biggs realizes she sounds cross but she is frustrated by the calls .There 's only one phone call she is interested in : news of her sister who is expected to die soon . Somebody must have given a little whistle .Jiminy Cricket , in the form of three rare celluloid paintings , had been hiding behind a framed family photograph for more than 30 years when Michell EDITORS : CORRECT SPELLING Foster discovered him recently in her north Phoenix home .Now the family 's wishing upon this Disney star to make their dreams come true .The Fosters are trying not to count their cricket before it 's cashed .But , it 's tempting ." Right now , my mind is racing of all the things that could happen , " Foster said ." People have quoted us as much as $ 20,000 . "It might also be worth just a few hundred dollars .But that would still help with the bare necessities .Auction houses and collectors tell the Fosters they need to see pictures of the cel to determine its worth .Until then , all the numbers are just guesses ." Right now , it 's kind of nice not knowing , " Foster said .Their find is three pieces of celluloid : One has Jiminy Cricket 's head hand-painted on it , the second has his body , and the third , a background of a meadow .On the back is a gold sticker that says the cel is " an original hand-painted celluloid drawing actually used in a Walt Disney production . "It also says it was released exclusively through the Art Corner at Disneyland .Charlie Foster Jr. , Michell 's husband , has been describing the find to New York auction houses Christie 's and Sotheby 's , and he has been quoted prices that range from $ 2,000 to $ 200,000 .Meanwhile , the family 's has placed the potential meal ticket in a safe deposit box at a bank .That 's left a bare spot amid two dozen family photos hung on a wall in the Foster home .The Jiminy Cricket cell was hung there , tucked away safely behind a baby photo of Michell and her sister , Kim .Michell got the photo after the death of her grandmother , who lived in Santa Barbara , Calif. .She figures her grandmother probably picked up the picture at an area thrift store , maybe just for the frame ." Since I was a little girl , that picture was hanging on grandmother 's wall , " the 36-year-old said .Foster was supposed to bring a baby photo to work for a contest .She toted the picture to work and cracked open the frame , revealing the decades-old treasure ." I really didn't know what it was at first , " she said ." My boss said , ` That 's worth some money . "'She called up her husband and excitedly told him the news .And he got himself a quick introduction to the animation art trade and a history of Jiminy Cricket .The tuxedoed green insect made his debut , of course , in " Pinocchio , " singing his theme song , " When You Wish Upon a Star . "Charlie Foster figures the cel is from " Fun and Fancy Free , " a full-length 1947 cartoon .The cel will fetch the most cash if it is from that film and still has the original background .If that is the case , said Dana Hawks , director of the collectables department at Sotheby 's , it could be worth $ 1,500 to $ 15,000 .But if it is from one of the television films , Sotheby 's will not handle it , she said .Dave Smith , archives director for the Walt Disney Co. in Burbank , said that because the cel was sold through Disneyland , it is probably from television and not worth that much .In the late '50s , cels were plentiful .Because several were used for each second of film , there were a lot lying around to put in the Art Corner , which opened in Fantasyland in 1958 ." They were $ 2 , $ 3 , $ 4 apiece , " he said , adding that the Fosters ' cel could probably fetch $ 200 to $ 600 .She 's letting her conscience be herguide . " Who the hell are you ? " a reporter asked .The inmate smiled , then shrugged ." There are so many answers , " he said ." There 's the textbook answer .There 's the military answer .And there 's the real answer . "With that , David Michael Pecard maintained his inscrutable veneer , even while granting a jailhouse interview .During an hourlong chat , the military police officer who finagled his way into several Arizona law-enforcement agencies refused to reveal much about his identity or past .But he insisted that he is not guilty of felony charges returned by a Maricopa County grand jury .And he hinted that some epic mystery , rather than an old-fashioned con , is behind his strange charade ." I can't tell you why right now , " Pecard said ." And I can't tell you how ...-LRB- But I did not , by free choice , create this situation .It 's a complexity of many events and many people . "Wearing jailhouse blues and handcuffs , Pecard promised to reveal the whole story after he retains a lawyer .Meanwhile , he explained , " I 'm in a damned delicate situation right now . "Pecard , also known as Wayne Devonne Simms , faces charges of fraud , theft , forgery , computer fraud and sexual abuse in connection with his reputed impersonation of various military and law-enforcement officials .Officials say he has served in the Army under different names , each time becoming a deserter .He also spent time in an Oregon prison for fraud .And investigators found evidence of several marriages without a divorce .Pecard 's latest Army tour was as an MP at Fort Huachuca , the military 's intelligence base near Sierra Vista .He secured a medical transfer to Phoenix and , posing as a Department of Defense investigator , began working with the Sheriff 's Office , the FBI and other agencies .Pecard befriended Sheriff Joe Arpaio and offered to help the Sheriff 's Office with translations and military-surplus needs .Arpaio , in turn , gave Pecard a badge , as well as access to records and jail inmates .That arrangement , and Pecard 's dubious background , began to unravel when two female inmates said Pecard had taken them outside the jail and fondled them .The father of a third inmate said Pecard bilked him out of $ 7,500 by promising to get his daughter released from jail .Amid the scandal , Arpaio declared that Pecard was his No. 1 priority , and officials unearthed a trail of aliases , criminal charges and bogus military careers .In his interview Tuesday , Pecard said people will realize he is no felon once the truth comes out .He suggested that there is documentation to verify his story , but expressed concern that he may not get a fair trial ." I don't like to admit being scared , " Pecard said ." But there 's a part of me that has a fear of not having the support of a legal system and the adequate representation to get a fair trial .I believe if I 'm given a fair trial , I will not be found guilty . "Pecard spoke elliptically throughout the conversation , often referring to himself in the third person with a curious mixture of eloquence , caution and humor .Without adding details , he said there is a reasonable explanation for the chameleonlike lifestyle that began more than 20 years ago ." David Pecard did not become David Pecard to rob banks or commit forgeries or whatever , " he added ." None of these alleged people his many aliases has a criminal history ....There 's a logical , legal or justifiable reason for anything that occurred or allegedly occurred . "Pecard said he had to withhold much of his story because he has not been given a defense lawyer despite spending a month in custody .He complained that the Maricopa County Public Defender 's Office has failed to represent him , and that jail officials have refused to let him phone a private attorney ." I think they're afraid I'll take the legal system and wrap it around their throats , which I intend to do , " he said .Pecard said he has filed a civil claim against the county for deprivation of legal rights , and intends to file a lawsuit on his own behalf .When asked about his Chicago family , especially his 21-year-old daughter , Lee Simms , Pecard grew melancholy ." I think my little girl knows I love her very much , " he said ." I am very sorry for any embarrassment I 've caused anyone , whether that be family or somebody who allegedly knew me as someone else .And I 'm very sorry to my family for the years of stolen memories . "Pecard denied that he has multiple wives .He said he has been divorced from every woman he married except one : Monica Rios , a Sheriff 's Office records clerk who remains loyal to him ." My wife understands I 'm in a very , very bad situation , " he said ." As painful as it may be for her , she has been far more supportive than anyone could expect .And I 'm grateful for that fact . "Pecard dodged most questions about his access to law-enforcement information , but noted that his trial could be " a very enlightening event . "During the past two years , he said , he 's worked not just with the Sheriff 's Office , but with at least a half-dozen other Phoenix-area law-enforcement agencies , including the FBI and the U.S. Attorney 's Office .Asked about more than 100 inquiries he posted through the FBI 's national crime computer , Pecard said , " Anything that was run was in conjunction with a legitimate investigation . "Pecard also denied accusations that he sexually abused female inmates after checking them out of jail ." Anyone who knows me as whoever I 'm alleged to be will know that this is not a human possibility , " he said ." I have not , did not and never will sexually abuse , assault , rape or pillage anyone .I have always been respectful and courteous to any woman I 've had contact with , professionally or personally . "Pecard also spoke in oblique terms of his military service .He said he 's had a very long career , but would not say how many stints he served under various names ." Actually , I 'm a pretty highly decorated soldier , " he said , laughing . Five more members of the Viper Militia pleaded guilty Tuesday to federal weapons and explosives charges , although one of the pleas came with some anxious moments .Dean Carl Pleasant , a former doughnutmaker and candidate for the Legislature , decided not to accept a plea agreement from federal prosecutors on two counts of conspiracy to instruct in the use of and making of explosive devices and one count of unlawful possession of a machine gun .Pleasant , 27 , of Peoria , was looking at 57 to 71 months in jail had he accepted the plea but could be facing additional time of up to two more years behind bars when he is sentenced with the other four defendants March 3 , said his attorney , Jess Lorona ." There 's concern , and that concern was expressed to Mr. Pleasant , " Lorona said , adding that Pleasant 's parents also consulted with him about the decision ." But he felt the plea agreement would not benefit him anyway and that he 'd be better off before the judge without those guidelines . "The other four defendants who entered pleas Tuesday , however , were more than happy to take the deal that the federal prosecutors offered .The pleas were made before U.S. District Judge Earl Carroll throughout the day .Finis Howard " Rick " Walker , 42 , of Glendale , would serve 70 to 87 months for the two conspiracy counts and single count of possessing unregistered destructive devices .The conviction of David Wayne Belliveau , 28 , of Glendale , on the two conspiracy counts and one of possession of a machine gun will bring 57 to 71 months of incarceration .Terms of the plea agreement call for 27-year-old Ellen Adella Belliveau , David Belliveau 's wife , to receive 37 to 46 months on the two conspiracy counts .Donna Star Williams , 44 , of Phoenix pleaded guilty to a single count of conspiracy to make destructive devices , and federal prosecutors agreed to a minimum one-year sentence for her .Five other members of the Viper Militia , who received national attention last summer after federal officials accused them of formulating plans to blow up federal buildings in Phoenix , entered plea agreements earlier .The other two Viper defendants in the case , Charles Knight III and Christopher Floyd , are scheduled to go to trial Jan. 23 .Prosecutors had demanded that eight of the 12 defendants sign the plea agreements or each would have stood trial .But the plea agreements had nothing to do with the initial furor created by the government over a videotape that the Vipers purportedly made of government buildings to mark them for future attack .The Viper group never was indicted for planning to bomb the buildings .Marty Lieberman , Ellen Belliveau 's attorney , said her plea was " nowhere near what she was accused of by U.S. Attorney Janet Napolitano and Attorney General Janet Reno . "The dozen members of the Vipers were arrested July 1 after the Bureau of Alcohol , Tobacco and Firearms infiltrated the group and monitored its activities for about six months .During that time , the group detonated explosives in remote areas outside Payson and Wickenburg .During the investigation , government agents also came across the videotape of numerous buildings , including the federal courthouse in Phoenix and the Phoenix Police Department .Pleasant told Carroll on Tuesday that he provided the narration on the tape and that it was later shown to other members of the militia group ." My intent was to get a reading from the individual members as to the tape 's worth , " Pleasant said without elaboration . Old Heisman Trophy winners never die , and at football-mad Ohio State , they never fade away , either .They do slip farther and farther down-page in the school record book , however .So it is with Archie Griffin , the only two-time Heisman winner and the star of four Buckeyes Rose Bowl teams in the 1970s .Most yards rushing in a game : At one time , Griffin held the top two spots and four of the top six on the all-time Ohio State list .Now he is third , below Eddie George and Keith Byars .Most yards rushing in a season : Once , Griffin 's ' 74 , '73 and '75 outputs ranked first , second and third in Buckeyes history .Here , too , George and Byars have overtaken him .Other , greater distinctions remain Griffin 's .He still holds the NCAA record for yards per carry in a career 6.1 and the Ohio State record for career rushing yards 5,589 .And in Columbus , Ohio , in the shadow of the university hospital where he was born and the old brick stadium where he bloomed , Archie Griffin remains begin ital the end ital symbol of the Buckeyes ' football tradition in one other way .He is the hero of their last Rose Bowl victory .This is one distinction he is eager to give up , preferably today , when fourth-ranked Ohio State faces second-ranked Arizona State .Twenty-three New Year 's Days ago , Griffin took 22 handoffs from Cornelius Greene and ran for 149 yards , including a game-clinching 47-yard touchdown , to lead the Buckeyes past the USC team of Anthony Davis and Pat Haden .-LRB- begin ital Twenty-three end ital years ago .The Buckeyes have come to Pasadena four times since then and been turned back each time ." It is very hard to believe that it 's been so long , " Griffin said , grasping your shoulder , as if the thought were literally dizzying .It has been so long that even his seven-year NFL career with the Cincinnati Bengals _ undersized at 5-foot-9 , he never matched his college exploits _ seems a distant memory .It has been so long that none of the current Buckeyes players can possibly remember his Heisman seasons , and some weren't even born when he earned them .It has been so long that since going to work for the Ohio State athletic department after his pro retirement , Griffin has worked his way up to associate athletic director , in charge of the football program and 16 other men 's and women 's sports .He will watch today 's game from the press box , in a suit and tie .Monday morning , Griffin was standing on the Buckeyes ' practice field at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa , wearing a white Ohio State windbreaker and a white Ohio State cap on his balding head ." People ask me , do I miss the game ? I really don't , " he said ." I played my first game when I was 9 and my last when I was 31 .That 's 23 straight years playing .That 's enough .Sometimes I look out there and see some of those hits , and I say , ` I took hits like that ? That 's crazy ! " 'Listening to him , you imagine that two decades ago , standing this close to Archie Griffin two days before the Rose Bowl , you 'd plot a way to begin ital accidentally end ital step on his toes or poke him in the eye .Anything to keep him from the game .If you came of age as a Los Angeles football fan in the early 1970s , you learned to love the Rose Bowl , which always seemed to settle the national championship .You learned to hate Ohio State .To sneer at the mention of its coach , Woody Hayes .And to fear its great tailback .The Rose Bowl was the province of USC and UCLA in those days , or so we believed , and the Buckeyes were the barbarians at the gates .If you stopped Archie , you beat them .Three times , that 's what happened .Jan. 1 , 1973 : Griffin ran for 73 yards in the 7-7 first half but only 22 after that , and USC pulled away behind Davis and Sam Cunningham to win the game 42-17 and the national championship ." We got our tails kicked , " Griffin remembered .Jan. 1 , 1974 : " King of a revenge game for us , " Griffin said .Ohio State , voted the Rose Bowl berth by Big Ten athletic directors after tying Michigan for the conference title , got even with USC in a 42-21 rout .Jan. 1 , 1975 : Griffin , in the middle of an NCAA-record streak of 31 100-yard games in the regular season , was held to 75 in the Rose Bowl .The winner would be national champion , and that turned out to be USC after Haden passed to J.K. McKay for a touchdown and Shelton Diggs for two points for an 18-17 victory .Jan. 1 , 1976 : Undefeated , ranked No. 1 and two-touchdown favorites , the Buckeyes ' backfield of Griffin 93 yards , Greene and bruising Pete Johnson was outgained by Wendell Tyler 173 and the Bruins avenged an October defeat 23-10 ." You always remember those ones you don't win a little more , especially when there 's a national championship on the line , " Griffin said .Barbarian at the gates ? These days Griffin seems more like an ambassador of goodwill _ that 's how his unofficial role is described around campus _ or somebody 's uncle .He is somebody 's uncle .Kevin Griffin , nephew of Archie and his former Buckeyes teammates Ray and Duncan Griffin , is a split end on this year 's team .Monday , Kevin and quarterback Stanley Jackson had breakfast with Archie at the team 's hotel here ." I can see how bad he wanted us to get back to the Rose Bowl , " Kevin said ." I told them you 've got to be ready to play the best game of your life in the Rose Bowl , " Archie said .If Jackson , or fellow quarterback Joe Germaine , or tailback Pepe Pearson , or one of Ohio State 's many defensive stars plays the game of his life today and becomes the school 's begin ital new end ital Rose Bowl hero , Griffin will be happy to relinquish his place in Buckeyes nostalgia ." I 'm interested , " he said , " in winning . " Coming off the two best games of his young career , Derek Fisher has plenty to tell former AAU teammate Corliss Williamson when the Lakers visit Sacramento on Thursday night .Instead , Fisher is focused on what he 's not doing well .The first-year point guard from Arkansas-Little Rock , while encouraged by his back-to-back strong showings against Boston and Philadelphia over the weekend , is dismayed to be bringing an unsightly free-throw percentage into the new year ." I hope that 's something that will continue to improve , " said Fisher , who 's hitting just 65.3 percent of his attempts at the line ." As a player , especially a professional player , you have to keep working on your game .Hopefully I can get it up into the 70s or higher . "Fisher was always a respectable free-throw shooter in college , hitting at a 74.7-percent rate despite various hand injuries .With the Lakers , accuracy from a backcourt man is even more vital , since Shaquille O'Neal 's numerous misses have saddled L.A. with the worst team percentage 65.2 in the league ." I just really have to concentrate on it , " Fisher said .The rest of Fisher 's game is already perking up , perhaps in time to earn him a spot in the Rookie Game at All-Star Weekend in Cleveland .Fisher had a career-high 13 points in Friday 's win over Boston _ including the fourth four-point play in Lakers history _ then had 12 points in 15 minutes Sunday against Philadelphia 's Allen Iverson ." Derek has played unbelievably the last couple games , " said fellow rookie Travis Knight said ." He came in and gave us a real emotional lift . "Latest setback : Just when Jerome Kersey finally got healthy , he got sick .The veteran forward has overcome a fractured left foot and a nagging right Achilles ' injury to fill in admirably for the injured Cedric Ceballos , but Kersey had to stay home from practice Tuesday because of the flu .Like Fisher , Kersey is coming off his two best performances of the year .Friday against the Celtics , he had 13 points , 10 rebounds and five steals .Kersey then came back Sunday in the Philadelphia win with 16 points and three steals in 36 minutes , pushing the Lakers to 8-0 whenever he scores at least 10 points ." I think Jerome will be our key guy off the bench , " Lakers coach Del Harris said of his plans for the 34-year-old when Ceballos comes back ." I think he understands that , and that 's really going to be great to have an option like him off the bench , because I think Jerome is terrific . "At 29.1 minutes per night , Kersey is being used much more than anticipated .Had he not missed the first nine games because of the fractured foot , he 'd rank third overall in the NBA in steals behind Eddie Jones and Seattle 's Gary Payton .If he continues swiping the ball at his current pace _ 2.15 per game _ Kersey will soon qualify for the list of league leaders .He 's tops among NBA forwards in steals and , with Jones , makes the Lakers the only team with two players averaging at least two thefts ." I 'd really rather not have to depend on Kersey so much , but he 's still going to be playing more minutes than he expected when when he signed on , " Harris said of Ceballos ' eventual return ." Jerome will remain a key member of the mix . "Layups : Jones watched Tuesday 's practice to rest a sore right ankle , and Rumeal Robinson also stayed home with the flu .Jones and Kersey are probable for Thursday 's trip to Sacramento , Robinson is questionable ...Knight is up to second on the team in rebounding frequency at one every 3.7 minutes , behind only O'Neal one every 3.0 minutes ...The Lakers won't practice today as per NBA rules and don't leave for Sacramento until the morning of the game , as they did for last week 's Christmas Day visit to Phoenix . Bobby Braswell has made a big deal of splitting the Cal State Northridge basketball season into three parts .Nonconference .Conference .Postseason .It 's time for the second season .And for the first time in seven Division I seasons , Northridge will play in a bona fide conference .An independent for four seasons and a member of the four-team American West Conference the past two seasons , Northridge opens Big Sky Conference play when it hosts Portland State at 7:05 p.m. Thursday .For the remainder of the season , the Matadors will play nothing but conference games .The past two seasons , Northridge would play an AWC game then two nonconference games before its next conference contest .The rest of this season , the Matadors will have games almost every Thursday and Saturday .And all of them will be important .Keith Higgins , the only player on the team to have experienced a real conference schedule , has warned his teammates ." That 's a big difference , " said Higgins , who started 26 games for Colorado of the Big Eight in 1994-95 ." Every game , you have to give your all , then come right back and play another game .Then the road , it 's killer ...Conference games are another level . "Because the AWC had just four teams , it was not guaranteed an NCAA tournament berth .There was no real motivation to be champion .The goal this season is clear : finish in the top six in conference in order to make the Big Sky tournament .Three wins at the tournament and the unthinkable happens _ Northridge in the NCAA Tournament .The Matadors , who won three straight before losing at Iowa on Sunday and finished 4-6 in Braswell 's " first season , " get to ease into the Big Sky .Portland State has not fielded a basketball team since 1981 .Saturday 's opponent , Eastern Washington , did not win a conference game last year .The first road trip , next week , is not only to the most remote corner of the conference , it features defending champion Montana State and this year 's preseason favorite , Montana .After that , save for a one-game trip to Idaho State at the end of January , the Matadors are home until the middle of February .Then they play five games in five states and spend 12 days on the road between Feb. 12 and 28 .Northridge finishes the regular season March 1 at home against Idaho State and hopes to then make plans for the conference tournament March 6-8 at the site of the regular-season champion .Following is a capsule look at what Northridge faces in the Big Sky Conference :Montana : The Grizzlies 8-4 have won five straight , including victories over Washington State and Gonzaga .Center Brent Smith 6-foot-10 , 235 pounds leads the team with 12.7 points and 6.3 rebounds .All five starters average 9.6 points or better .Montana finished second in the Big Sky last season and was 20-8 overall , its third 20-win season in five years .Weber State : The Wildcats 4-5 have lost to Nebraska , Utah and Michigan State .Sophomore guard Damien Baskerville is averaging 16.8 points a game , junior guard Alex Fisher 16.6 and forward Ryan Cuff , the team 's only senior , 13.0 .Northern Arizona : After opening the season with losses to Sacramento State and Arizona , the Lumberjacks 6-3 won six straight before losing Monday at UNLV .Their 52.2 percent field-goal shooting ranks sixth nationally ." They're the surprise of the early season , " Montana coach Blaine Taylor said .Freshman Billy Hix did not start the first two games of the season but has started every one since .Junior Andrew Mavis is shooting better than 60 percent from the floor and averaging 17 points a game .Idaho State : Five players two starters are suspended , at least until their Jan. 7 court date , for their part in an alleged shoplifting incident .Nate Green , the only returning All-Conference player , leads the Bengals 4-4 with 16 points and 7.6 rebounds a game .Montana State : Former North Hollywood High School and Santa Monica College star Damion Ollie broke his right ankle Sunday against Air Force and is out at least eight weeks .He was the leader among seven new faces for the Bobcats 6-6 .Dante Rabb has stepped into the point-guard position after coach Mick Durham experimented the first seven games of the season .Eastern Washington : The Eagles have lost three straight , including an 89-87 loss to Santa Clara and a 27-point routing by Washington , to drop to 4-6 .Their only returning starter , 5-11 shooting guard Travis King , was a walk-on last season .The 1995-96 Eagles were just the second team in Big Sky history to go winless in conference .The other was the 1993-94 Eagles squad .Sacramento State : The Hornets have followed a season-opening victory at Northern Arizona with seven straight losses .Ted Hoogenbosch , a 6-11 , 235-pound center , suffered a stress fracture of the right fibula in a workout before the Northern Arizona game and will not be available until close to February .Senior guard Damond Edwards leads the team with 11.7 points a game .The Hornets lost 69-60 to St. Mary 's after leading much of the game .Portland State : Lack of money forced the discontinuation of the program in 1981 .The move to the Big Sky forced the reinstatement in 1996 .Playing a tough schedule for any team , let alone one with players who were just introduced , the Vikings started the season 0-6 before winning two of the past three .The wins are against NAIA schools .The Vikings opened the season with a last-second 56-54 loss at Mississippi and a week later lost by just seven at Washington . Heavy fog in Dallas after Monday night 's victory over the Stars prevented the Rangers from arriving at their hotel here until around 4:30 a.m. Tuesday .Another kind of fog hung over the club about 15 hours later , when the Tampa Bay Lightning scored three times on power plays in the game 's first 8 minutes 5 seconds , then went on to a 4-2 victory before 19,807 at the Ice Palace .The Rangers 20-16-5 seemed decidedly sluggish , until they found their backs firmly against the wall .Then it was too late ." It was a tough loss because we knew they 'd be ready and waiting for us , " Wayne Gretzky said ." We ended up doing the one thing we didn't want to do , and that 's get behind early . "The visitors picked up the game 's pace for a 25-minute span of the first and second periods , but fizzled badly in the third .They did not muster a third-period shot until almost 13 minutes had elapsed .Their third-period shot total : six , including a goal by right wing Brian Noonan 1:33 from the finish that suddenly threw in an element of suspense .But it ended abruptly when defenseman Roman Hamrlik scored an empty-net goal 30 seconds from the finish .The loss , the Rangers ' fifth straight to Tampa Bay , cooled off New York , which came in having won seven of its last eight games and on a 13-2-1 rampage .In all but one of those victories , Mike Richter was in goal .He is 12-0-1 since Nov. 26 _ the second-best streak of his career ; he is 10-0-1 in a memorable December .He spent Tuesday night 's game on the bench , having played the night before in a 3-2 victory over Dallas .Glenn Healy , so valuable to the Rangers last season during a stretch when Richter was nursing a groin pull , took his third straight defeat ." Fatigue was a factor for sure , " Healy said of Tuesday night 's loss ." I can think of some plays where we just weren't able to turn the game up and take the game over . "Healy , now at 2-7-3 for the season , weathered Tampa Bay 's early barrage and toughened up .He stopped the Lightning 's final 26 shots .-LRB- STORY CAN END HERE .OPTIONAL MATERIAL FOLLOWS Now a little less woeful at 12-19-5 , the Lightning opened the scoring 2:52 into the game after defenseman Bruce Driver was penalized for holding Lightning right wing Paul Ysebaert .Hamrlik shot from the right point , with center Chris Gratton redirecting the puck into the net .The only question was whether Gratton was in the crease when he touched the puck .Referee Paul Devorski determined otherwise after a replay .Forty-five seconds later , the Lightning widened its cushion .Center Brian Bradley eased a cross-ice pass to the converging right wing Alex Selivanov , who slipped his 6-foot shot inside the net 's left post .As if that were not enough of a stunner , Tampa Bay struck again 4:18 later , this time after defenseman Ulf Samuelsson was whistled for roughing .Goal No. 3 looked similar to the previous score , with Selivanov threading a pass cross-ice to center John Cullen , who punched in a 5-footer .The Rangers found some offensive life 12:56 into the game , thanks to their power play .With Tampa Bay defenseman David Shaw serving an interference penalty , Driver 's shot from the blue line whizzed by several Lightning defenders to left wing Adam Graves .Graves , perched near the crease , jammed it home .Late in the period , the Rangers missed an opportunity to get back in the game when goalie Rick Tabaracci was caught out of position , but Graves ' 10-footer hit off the right post .Alert officiating kept New York from falling into a 4-1 hole early in the second period .Shaw 's close-range pass from the right side was intended for Ysebaert , but it bounced off left wing Luc Robitaille 's left skate and went into the net .Replays showed that Ysebaert 's left foot was maybe an inch into the crease when Shaw shot , thus nullifying the goal .The Rangers got off 11 shots in the period , but only Robitaille 's point-blank effort came close to finding its mark .Then came the forgettable third period .