University of Arizona, Department of Computer Science

CSc 120 (Fall 2017): Assignment 8

Start Date: Wed Oct 18th
Due Date: Short problems: 7:00 PM, Sat Oct 21
Black-box tests: 7:00 PM, Tue Oct 24
Long problems: 7:00 PM, Thu Oct 26

This assignment begins working with linked lists.

General Requirements

  1. Your code should follow the style guidelines for the class.
  2. You should only use external libraries that have either been mentioned either in class or else in the assignment spec. For this assignment, it is OK to use the csv module to read the input file.

NOTE: This problem deviates from previous assignments on several specific points. It is important that you follow the specification exactly on these points:

  • The input(...) statement is used with a non-empty argument (i.e., user prompt). Please make sure that the prompt you use is exactly that given in the problem spec.
  • In order to facilitate grading, the problem specs give specific error messages for particular error situations. Please use exactly those error messages for those situations.

Short Problem (Due 7pm Sat Oct 21)

(20 points)

This problem has to be solved and submitted at

The process for turning in your solution is as in previous assignments.

The short problem for this assignment is the following:

  1. Sorting a linked list

Black-box Tests (Due 7pm Tue Oct 24)

10 points

Submit no more than five black-box tests for the long problem for this assignment. Details of the requirements for these tests are given here.

These should be submitted as a file fake-news-tests.txt at

Long Problems (Due 7pm Thu Oct 26)

(80 points; this includes the 10 points for the black box tests)

  1. Fake news

Submit the file at