CSc 120: Street Hints

  1. Think about a function print_street_at_height(elements, height) that produces a single line of output: the street at the specified height. For example, again consider this street, with heights shown in a column on the right:

    |                               |   7
    |                   xxxxx       |   6
    |                   xxxxx       |   5
    |         *         xxxxx       |   4
    |        ***        xxxxx       |   3
    |       *****       xxxxx       |   2
    |         |         xxxxx       |   1
    |         |         xxxxx  ~  ~ |   0
    The call print_street_at_height(..., 0) would print this line:
    |         |         xxxxx  ~  ~ |
    The call print_street_at_height(..., 2) would print this line:
    |       *****       xxxxx       |
    Thus, calling print_street_at_height with a series of descending heights would produce the rendering, excluding the top and bottom borders.
  2. Think about having Building, Park, and EmptyLot classes. Give each class an at_height method that returns a string that is the text for that element at the specified height. Example: (blank lines added for clarity)

    >>> b = Building(3,4,"x")  # NOTE: this is not the same building that's shown above!
    >>> b.at_height(0)
    >>> b.at_height(4)
    '   '

    Next, consider this:

    >>> s = [EmptyLot(5,"_"), Building(3,4,"x"), Park(7,"*")]
    >>> h = 0
    >>> s[0].at_height(h) + s[1].at_height(h) + s[2].at_height(h)
    '     xxx   |   '
    >>> h = 2
    >>> s[0].at_height(h) + s[1].at_height(h) + s[2].at_height(h)
    '     xxx ***** '
  3. Combining the ideas of (1) and (2) leads to this:

    >>> s = [EmptyLot(5,"_"), Building(3,4,"x"), Park(7,"*")]
    >>> print_street_at_height(s, 5)
    >>> print_street_at_height(s, 4)
    >>> print_street_at_height(s, 3)
         xxx  ***  
    >>> print_street_at_height(s, 2)
         xxx ***** 
    >>> print_street_at_height(s, 1)
         xxx   |   
    >>> print_street_at_height(s, 0)
         xxx   |   

    Note: The version of print_street_at_height used above output a newline after the text to make for a clear example but in practice you may find that having print_street_at_height output a newline creates problems.