University of Arizona, Department of Computer Science

CSc 120: Street

The primary purpose of this problem is to give you more practice with recursion, and also to help you recognize that recursive functions can take the place of for and while loops.

IMPORTANT: As mentioned in the Programming Requirements section below you are strictly prohibited from using for and/or while statements and/or list comprehensions in your solution. Violating this restriction may result in a score of zero for this problem.

Expected Behavior

Write a Python program in,, that prompts the user for a one-line specification of a city street and then prints a simple ASCII rendering of it. The user should be prompted as follows:

input("Street: ")
The user responds with a specification that has some number of buildings, parks, and empty lots. As an example, the input line
p:19,* b:5,7,x e:7,__~
is rendered as this:
|                               |
|                   xxxxx       |
|                   xxxxx       |
|         *         xxxxx       |
|        ***        xxxxx       |
|       *****       xxxxx       |
|         |         xxxxx       |
|         |         xxxxx  ~  ~ |

Input format

The input will be a single line that contains one or more whitespace-separated specifications for buildings, parks, and/or empty lots that appear along the street.

Here is a more complex street:

b:3,10,a e:10,+- p:13,* b:7,15,x b:17,4,% b:10,8,y e:5,_ b:1,3,$ p:13,^ b:10,3,# e:9,__.
and its rendering:
|                                                                                                  |
|                          xxxxxxx                                                                 |
|                          xxxxxxx                                                                 |
|                          xxxxxxx                                                                 |
|                          xxxxxxx                                                                 |
|                          xxxxxxx                                                                 |
|aaa                       xxxxxxx                                                                 |
|aaa                       xxxxxxx                                                                 |
|aaa                       xxxxxxx                 yyyyyyyyyy                                      |
|aaa                       xxxxxxx                 yyyyyyyyyy                                      |
|aaa                       xxxxxxx                 yyyyyyyyyy                                      |
|aaa                *      xxxxxxx                 yyyyyyyyyy            ^                         |
|aaa               ***     xxxxxxx%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%yyyyyyyyyy           ^^^                        |
|aaa              *****    xxxxxxx%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%yyyyyyyyyy     $    ^^^^^    ##########         |
|aaa                |      xxxxxxx%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%yyyyyyyyyy     $      |      ##########         |
|aaa+-+-+-+-+-      |      xxxxxxx%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%yyyyyyyyyy     $      |      ##########  .  .  .|

Output format

Along with the specifications above, note these points:

More examples

Some additional examples of the behavior of this program are given here.


This program does no error handling whatsoever. The behavior is undefined if any of the above specifications are not met. That phrase, "behavior is undefined", tells the user that the program's handling of invalid input is unpredictable. For example, if a building specification is missing the BRICK, the program might terminate with an error, or terminate with an assertion failure, or it might use the same brick that was used in a previous building. A negative height might cause the program to go into an infinite loop.

The bottom line is that you should write code that assumes the input is correct. The tester won't have any cases with invalid input. No cases with invalid input will be used when grading. All you've got to worry about is the "happy case".

Programming Requirements

An essential requirement of this problem is that you may not use any for or while statements or list comprehensions in your solution. Use recursion in place of looping, as you've seen done in lecture and have done yourself when solving the CloudCoder problems.


I think of this as a challenging problem to solve given only the description above and what you've seen in class, but for those who wish to have a challenge, I'll say nothing here about how to approach it. If you have trouble getting started, however, here are some hints.