University of Arizona, Department of Computer Science

CSc 120: Prefix Codes: Examples

Examples and testing

At this point in the semester you've done enough programming, and worked with enough programming examples, that they should not be a mystery to you. Therefore, instead of giving you a bunch of examples, we will describe how you can construct examples for yourself:

  1. Write down a set of node labels. Each of these is an integer.

    As an example, one of the examples I constructed began with the set of labels

    1 2 3 4 6 7 8

  2. Construct a binary tree where each node is labeled with one of the labels in your label set from the previous step. There is no particular requirement your tree has to satisfy here, so you are free to build the tree however you want.

    I used paper-and-pencil for this, but of course you are welcome to write code to do this. I simply crossed off each label from my list of labels as I put it into my tree.

  3. The line connecting any pair of nodes in a tree is usually referred to as an edge. For each node in your tree, label the edge to its left subtree with '0' and the edge to its right subtree with '1'.

    For example, one of the trees I generated from the set of labels shown above is:

  4. Write down the preorder and inorder traversals of the tree. These are the first two lines of your input file.

    In the case of the tree shown here, these are:

    Preorder: 3 4 6 1 7 8 2
    Inorder: 6 4 7 1 8 3 2
  5. Write down any sequence of the leaf nodes of your tree (repetitions are allowed).

    In the tree shown above, for example, the set of leaf nodes is {6, 7, 8, 2}, so we have to use a sequence over this set, e.g.: 6 7 7 8 2 6

  6. For each leaf node in the sequence from the previous step, write down the sequence of labels on the edges as you go from the root of the tree to that leaf node:
    Leaf node: 6 7 7 8 2 6
    Root-to-leaf path: 00 010 010 011 1 00
  7. The root-to-leaf path, which is a sequence of 0s and 1s, is the third line of your input file.

    In the example above there is a space after the root-to-leaf path for each leaf node. This is just for clarity: in the input file, all you will see is a sequence of 0s and 1s without any such spaces. So in this example, the third line in the input file will be


  8. If everything went well, feeding the resulting input file to your program should cause it to print out a post-order traversal of your tree and the sequence of leaf nodes you used in step 5 above.