University of Arizona, Department of Computer Science

CSC 120: Bad Style Examples

This document gives examples of bad programming style that you should avoid. The offending code is shown in red.


Comments are supposed to help readers understand the code in a program. But comments that don't communicate useful information get in the way and actually make the program harder to understand. Comments like this are bad and should be avoided.

Comments are intended to communicate. Therefore, they should say something that is not obvious. Obviously, whether or not something is "obvious" depends on the reader—something that may be obvious to an expert may not be obvious to a novice. For the purposes of this class, we will consider the reader to be CSc 120 students like yourselves: i.e., with at least a basic understanding of Python.

When you write a comment, therefore, ask yourself whether the comment is saying something that would be obvious to a student in CSc 120.

Here is an example of over-commenting. The offending comments are shown in red.

def dictionary(lines): # this function is to create a 2d dictionary
    types={} # create dictionary
    info=[]  # create a list
    for line in lines: # read file line by line
                "generation":line[11],"legendary":line[12]}# sort every information
        info.append([line[1].lower(),line[2]]) # put the names and types together into a list
    return types,info # return the list and dictionary

def get_max_value(types,infor,query):
    dictionary=database(types,infor,query)# this function calculates and prints the max value
    data=[] # create a new list to save the sum and keys
    max=0 # make max equals to 0
    for keys,values in dictionary.items(): # use for loop to read dictionary
        dictionary[keys]["sum"]=dictionary[keys]["sum"]/dictionary[keys]["num"] # divide sum by number to get average value
        data.append([dictionary[keys]["sum"],keys]) # put the average value into new list
    for j in range(1,len(data)): # use for loop to read data list
        if(data[j][0]>data[max][0]): # check if the new one is the max value
            max=j # set the new max value
    print("{}:{}".format(data[max][1],data[max][0])) # print max value by given format

The code shown above has numerous other style problems; we'll go into details of other style issues elsewhere.

Here is the same code, with the uninformative comments removed. In their place I have placed comments, shown in blue, describing the overall effect of the for loops. In my opinion, getting rid of the uninformative comments removes visual clutter and improves the readability and understandability of the code.

def dictionary(lines): # this function is to create a 2d dictionary
    for line in lines:
                "generation":line[11],"legendary":line[12]}# sort every information
        info.append([line[1].lower(),line[2]]) # put the names and types together into a list
    return types,info

def get_max_value(types,infor,query):
    dictionary=database(types,infor,query)# this function calculates and prints the max value
    # compute the average value and put it into data
    for keys,values in dictionary.items():
    # compute the position of the maximum value for the average
    for j in range(1,len(data)):

When you write your code, please avoid over-commenting.