University of Arizona, Department of Computer Science

CSC 120 (Fall 2017): Sections and Section Leaders

All sections meet on Tuesdays. For the email addresses below, add "".
Time Gould-Simpson 930
8:00 AM Section 1A
SL: Lauralyn Gonzalez
Email: lbpasiongz
9:00 AM Section 1B
SL: Abigail Dodd
Email: adodd591
10:00 AM Section 1C
SL: Joshua Murphy
Email: joshuapmurphy
11:00 AM Section 1D
SL: Ryan Sims
Email: ryanjsims
12:00 PM Section 1E
SL: Anthony Encinas
Email: anthonygencinas
1:00 PM Section 1F
SL: Swati Munjal
Email: smunjal
2:00 PM Section 1G
SL: Jalin Nguyen
Email: jalinnguyen