mkdir web; cd web mkdir -p app/{auth,main,models,static,templates} touch app/auth/{__init__,forms,views}.py touch app/main/{__init__,forms,views,errors}.py echo "user" > app/models/ mkdir app/static/{css,fonts} touch app/static/css/{bootstrap,flat-theme.min,styles}.css touch app/static/fonts/glyphicons-halfings-regular.{eot,svg,ttf,woff,woff2} echo "icon" > app/static/favicon.ico touch app/templates/{base,error,index,macros,user}.html mkdir -p app/templates/auth/email touch app/templates/auth/{login,register}.html touch app/templates/auth/email/confirm.{html,txt} touch app/templates/{__init__,decorators,email}.py mkdir tests settings echo "index.cfg" > settings/index.cfg touch tests/{__init__,test_basic,test_user_model}.py touch {config,manage}.py touch setting.cfg date-dev.sqlite date-test.sqlite exit Q: in web/, how can I cat Q: in models/, how can I cd to templates/? Q: in auth/ (within templates/), how can I cd to the other auth/? Q: in main/, what will I do, if I want to know how many files are there in fonts/? (one line script) Q: in main/, how can I diff index.cfg and setting.cfg? Q: in web/, does 'cat app/templates/auth/' work? Q: in tests/ does 'cd ../../web/auth/' work? Q: in main/, does 'cat ../models/' work? Q: in css/, does 'cd ../fonts/../../app' work? Q: in tests/, what will I do, if I want to know how many python files (.py) do I have in my project (web)? (one line script)