9 . /cs/www/classes/cs352/fall15/a9/tests /cs/www/classes/cs352/fall15/a9/master ############ ilv ############# problem ilv ilv.c build gcc -Werror -g -std=c1x -I/cs/www/classes/cs352/fall15/h -o ilv ilv.c test ilv case ulimit -t 1; ./ilv X - Y < a9/ilv.1 case ulimit -t 1; ./ilv 'mv ' - ' ' - '.old' < a9/ilv.2 case ulimit -t 1; seq 5 | ./ilv x case ulimit -t 1; echo Testing | ./ilv -- - - -- - case ulimit -t 1; echo Testing | ./ilv x- - -x ############ gdiff ############# problem gdiff gdiff.c build gcc -Werror -g -std=c1x -I/cs/www/classes/cs352/fall15/h -o gdiff gdiff.c test gdiff case ulimit -t 1; ./gdiff a b c d e - e a x case ulimit -t 1; ./gdiff red blue green blue red - red green case ulimit -t 1; ./gdiff a aa b c a b - a b case ulimit -t 1; ./gdiff 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - 9 3 6 case ulimit -t 1; ./gdiff testing - this case ulimit -t 1; ./gdiff testing - case ulimit -t 1; ./gdiff - testing case ulimit -t 1; ./gdiff testing ############ ag ############# problem ag ag.c build gcc -Werror -g -std=c1x -I/cs/www/classes/cs352/fall15/h -o ag ag.c test ag case ulimit -t 1; ./ag in testing looks inward | sed 's/ *$//' case ulimit -t 1; ./ag test testing the tests of the tester | sed 's/ *$//' case ulimit -t 1; ./ag t testing the tests of the tester | sed 's/ *$//' case ulimit -t 1; ./ag x testing the tests of the tester | sed 's/ *$//' case ulimit -t 1; ./ag ' ' 'testing the tests' 'of the tester' | sed 's/ *$//' ############ evalit ############# problem evalit evalit.c build gcc -Werror -g -std=c1x -I/cs/www/classes/cs352/fall15/h -o evalit evalit.c test evalit case ulimit -t 1; ./evalit width=5 height=7 width*height+10 case ulimit -t 1; ./evalit 20+30*40/50-60 case ulimit -t 1; ./evalit limit=10 limit*limit+limit+1 case ulimit -t 1; ./evalit a=1 e=2 i=3 o=4 u=5 h=6 k=7 l=8 m=9 n=10 p=11 w=12 h+o+n+o+l+u+l+u case ulimit -t 1; ./evalit i=1 v=5 x=10 c=100 i+i+i*v*x*c case ulimit -t 1; ./evalit x case ulimit -t 1; ./evalit x=1 y+x case ulimit -t 1; ./evalit xx=20 xyy=50 xy=5 x=1 x+xy+xyy+xx