Quiz Stuff

Quiz 6; October 10; 3 minutes; ½-point per question

    1. Syntactically, is food(donut). a fact, a query, or both?
    2. Is the following query true or false? atom(x).
    3. Will the query write(3+4). cause 7 to be output?
    4. How can we quickly tell if an identifier is a Prolog variable?
    5. Does the ordering of facts in a knowledge base have any meaning? If so, what is it?
    6. With the "Can you prove?" mindset, what does the query number(5). mean?

    EC: The following Haskell code-in-progress is already looking buggy! Why?
       foldr (\acm elem ->

    EC: Tell me a quick fact about the history of Prolog.