mfilter hint

A good first function to write is filtOne, which filters a list based on a single tuple:

> filtOne (3,5) [1..10]

> :t filtOne
filtOne :: Ord a => (a, a) -> [a] -> [a]
Update: Maybe ignore the junk below and consider this: you're almost done! :)

Given filtOne you've then got a choice between a low-tech approach and a high-tech approach.

The low-tech approach: just write a folding function that uses filtOne

The high-tech approach starts by noting that if you fold a list of functions [f1,f2,f3,...fN] with the composition operator you get a function like this:

f1 . f2 . f3 … fN
Here's a composeAll function that rolls up a list of functions into a single function.
> let composeAll list = foldl (.) id list
> let bigf = composeAll [negate, (*2), (+3)]
> bigf 3

In composeAll note that id is the identity function—it simply returns its argument.

Consider making a list of functions where each filters a list of values for one range, like (3,7), and go from there.

Another approach, which is perhaps a poor combination of low-tech and high-tech is to write a custom folding function g such that

foldr g zero [f1,f2,f3,...,fN]
f1(f2(f3(...(fN zero))))
If you don't see what the zero value would be, let me know.