Accumulating labels

Let's start by making four arrays:

>> x = [10, 20]

>> y = [30]

>> z = [40,50]

>> all = [x,y,z]

Let's make a hash to hold labels, and assign labels to x and y based on their object_ids:

>> labels = {}

>> labels[x.object_id] = "a1"

>> labels[y.object_id] = "a2"

>> labels
=> {7971260=>"a1", 8011640=>"a2"}

Now let's work through the elements of all and see what's been labeled:

>> labels[all[0].object_id]
=> "a1"

>> labels[all[1].object_id]
=> "a2"

>> labels[all[2].object_id]
=> nil

In the experimentation above we made a hash named labels but how could we handle that in our implementation of label? One possibility is a global named $labels but for a better way consider this skeleton for label:

def label(x, labels = {})
        elem = ...some element of x...
        label(elem, labels)

When label is called by the user, with one argument, such as label([10,20,[30]]), a brand new hash is created and assigned to labels. When label is called recursively, we pass the labels hash as a second argument, giving that call access to the accumulated collection of object_id/string pairs.

An invariant with this approach is that labels has a collection of labels for every array and hash that's been encountered for the top-level call of label(x).

I'll leave to you the details of producing sequence numbers. Remember that arrays and hashes are independently numbered: the first array is "a1" and the first hash is "h1".

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