# # ie -- The Icon Evaluator # by William H. Mitchell # # Todo: # Long running expressions slow everything down # Needs some sort of .use command # Some documentation, especially on setting it up! # link image invocable all procedure main(args) $ifdef _MS_WINDOWS_NT SystemType := "Windows" ImageLoc := "./image" SplitLoc := "./split" $else SystemType := "UNIX" ImageLoc := "/home/icon/ilib/image" ImageLoc := "./image" SplitLoc := "/cs/www/classes/cs372/spring15/bin/split" $endif &trace := 0 while a := get(args) do { if a == "-nn" then NoNum := 1 else if a == "-w" then WinIcon :=1 } write("Icon Evaluator, Version 1.1, ? for help") if \NoNum then tag := create |"r" else tag := create "r" || seq() header := [ "invocable all", "link \"" || ImageLoc || "\", \"" || SplitLoc || "\"", if \WinIcon then "link graphics" else "", "global showtype, showimage, showImage", "procedure main()", ] if /WinIcon then { header |||:= ["hwrite := -1; write :=: hwrite", "hwrites := -1; writes :=: hwrites", "hread := -1; read :=: hread"] } incfiles := [] prog := [] extras := ["write := hwrite", "read := hread", "writes := hwrites"] showtype := 1 uselines := [] repeat { line := "" repeat { if *uselines ~= 0 then { inline := get(uselines) } else { writes(if *line = 0 then "][ " else "... ") inline := (read()|stop()) } inline := trim(inline, ' \t') if match(".type", inline) then { (/showtype := 1) | (showtype := &null) write("Will ",(/showtype&"not ")|"","display types") next } else if match(".list", inline) then { every(write(!prog)) next } else if inline == ("help"|"?") then { Help() next } else if inline == ".e" then { src := prog[-1][1:-1] #write("src is ", image(src)) src := replace(src, "\n#", "\n") src ? { tab(upto('(')+1) & line := atos(Edit([tab(0)]),"\n") & break } } else if match(".fix", inline) then { prog := Edit(prog) next } else if match(".link", inline) then { push(header, inline[2:0] ? tab(upto(';')|0)) next } else if match(".inc"|".include", inline) then { inline := replace(inline, ";", "") inline ? (tab(upto(' \t')+1) & files := tab(0)) files := split(files, ', \t') #write(Image(files)) incfiles |||:= files next } else if match(".use", inline) then { w := split(inline, ' ,\t\'\";') if f := open(w[2]) then { while put(uselines, read(f)) close(f) next } else { write("Can't open '", w[2], "'") next } } line ||:= inline || "\n" if line[-2:0] ~== "-\n" then { #line[-2:0] := "" break } else line[-2:0] := "" } if \showtype then put(extras, "showtype := 1") if match(".every ", line) then { every_exp := (line ? (=".every " & tab(0))) Generate := 1 } tfile := "._ie_tmp.icn" sfile := open(tfile,"w") | stop("Can't open ie tmp file (", tfile, ") for writing\n", "(Is the current directory writable?)") #sfile := open("icont -s - -x","pw") every write(sfile, !(header|||prog|||extras)) if \Generate then { write(sfile, "every WR(\"\",", every_exp, ")") curexp := "every (" || every_exp || ")" } else { curexp := (t :=@tag) || " := (" || line || ")" write(sfile, "if (", curexp, ") then WR(\"", t, " := \",", t, ")") write(sfile, "else write(\"Failure\")") } if \WinIcon then write(sfile, "WDone()") write(sfile, "end") WriteWR(sfile) close(sfile) case (SystemType) of { "UNIX": { rc := system("TRACE=0 icont -s ._ie_tmp.icn " || atos(incfiles, " ") || " -x") } "Windows": { remove("._ie_tmp.icx") if \WinIcon then icont_cmd := "wicont" else icont_cmd := "nticont" rc := system(icont_cmd || " -s ._ie_tmp.icn " || atos(incfiles, " ")) if rc = 0 then rc := system(".\\._ie_tmp.exe") remove("._ie_tmp.exe") } } if rc = 0 then put(prog, curexp) else put(prog, "#" || replace(curexp, "\n", "\n#")) extras := ["write := hwrite", "read := hread", "writes := hwrites"] Generate := &null } remove("._ie_tmp") remove("._ie_tmp.icn") end procedure WriteWR(f) write(f, "procedure WR(tag, e)") write(f, "writes(\" \",tag, Image(e,3))") write(f, "\twrite(if \\showtype then \" (\"||type(e)||\")\" else \"\")") write(f, "end"); end procedure Help() write("Enter any Icon expression to evaluate it") write() write(".type -- toggle display of type") write(".list -- list expressions") write(".every -- show all results for expresion") write(".link , e.g. link image,format -- link ucode files") write(".inc , e.g. .inc x.icn y.icn -- include procedures from files") write(".use , e.g. .use x -- load expressions from the file x") write(".e -- edit last expression with $EDITOR") write(".fix -- hack the expressions") write(".help or .? or help or ? -- this message") end procedure Edit(p) f := open("._ie_tmp.icn", "w") every write(f, !p) close(f) system("$EDITOR ._ie_tmp.icn") f := open("._ie_tmp.icn") p := [] while put(p, read(f)) return p end procedure atos(a,delim) local e, s s := "" /delim := "," every e := !a do (/s := e) | (s ||:= delim || e) return s end # # replace string (from the IPL) # procedure replace(s1,s2,s3) local result, i result := "" i := *s2 s1 ? { while result ||:= tab(find(s2)) do { result ||:= s3 move(i) } return result || tab(0) } end procedure split(line,dlms) local w /dlms := ' \t' w := [] line ? repeat { tab(upto(~dlms)) put(w,tab(many(~dlms))) | break } return w end