Haskell by Observation Collaborative Learning Exercise #2 CSC 372 January 17, 2018 Time: 7 minutes; Points: 2


In this exercise you are to use ghci to evaluate several Haskell expressions (below) and compile a list of observations about Haskell based on what you see.

Note: This exercise is to be entirely experimental. Don't Google, read documentation, etc. It's just you and ghci!

As mentioned in Piazza @12, if you haven't installed Haskell on your machine, you can run ghci on lectura.

Deliverable (per table)

A single e-mail message to 372s18@cs... with

  1. Subject: 372 CLE 2
  2. A whitepace separated list of NetIDs for your tablemates, including the sender
  3. A list of ten observations about Haskell

Expressions to evaluate

Below are suggested expressions to evaluate. Feel free to try additional expressions, too, such as expressions that work in languages you know.
3 + 4
3 * 4.5
it + it
it /= 3
3 > 4 || 5 < 7
not 3 < 4
"abc" + 3
"abc" ++ "xyz"
10 `div` 3  (div is surrounded with backquotes)
(+) 3 4


If any group members know Python: What's a fundamental difference between help() in Python and :help in ghci?