Office Hours

The 372 Google calendar shows all our regular office hours and any assignment-specific additions.

See the Google calendar for additional office hours for assignment 7. (Search for a7.)

In general, whm is able provide transportation home at the end of his evening for as many as seven students, plus one on the roof rack. (Placement determined by short quiz.)

William Mitchell (Instructor)

Contact information

Email: whm Office: Gould-Simpson 842 Skype: x77686d (ok to try 24/7) Discord: whm#5716 (ok to try 24/7) Mobile phone: 520-870-6488 (10am to 11pm, seven days a week, minus Sunday mornings) If no answer, send email or try IM. Don't leave voice mail! Thanks.

Alex Koltz (Undergraduate TA)

Contact information

Email: akoltz Discord: Alex Koltz#1837

Michael Ordaz (Undergraduate TA)

Contact information

Email: michaelaordaz Discord: saintmigs#4444