Quiz Stuff

Quiz 11; April 9, 2018; 3'30"; ½ point per answer; 4 points total

  1. With Prolog in mind, write an example of each of the following:
  2. A Prolog query has one or more __________.  (Hint: starts with "g".)
  3. What's the command to run SWI Prolog on lectura?
  4. What is the output of the following?
    ?- write(3+4).
  5. Consider the following fragment of interaction with SWI Prolog. If the user types a semicolon, what will happen?
    ?- food(X).
    X = apple
EC ½ point: Within ten years, when was Prolog created?


  1. With Prolog in mind, write an example of each of the following:
  2. A Prolog query has one or more   goals  .
  3. What's the command to run SWI Prolog on lectura?
  4. What is the output of the following?
    ?- write(3+4).
    Anything that doesn't have 7 will be counted as correct.
  5. Consider the following fragment of interaction with SWI Prolog. If the user types a semicolon, what will happen?
    ?- food(X).
    X = apple
    It will print the next value of X for which food(X) can be proven.
EC ½ point: Within ten years, when was Prolog created?