Assignment 8 FAQs and More


  1. Q: In the write-up for showfacts.rkt I see several calls to a procedure named load:
    > (load "a8/5.sf")
    > (load "a8/all.sf")
    > (load "a8/simple.sf")
    Is that the built-in load procedure described in section 14.2 of the Racket Reference, or is load a procedure we are to write ourselves?

    A: load is a procedure you are to write yourselves, along with facts and langs. When writing the problem I didn't look to see if there was a built-in load procedure. If I was doing it again, I'd call it load-facts instead of load.

    The let binding for all-lines on slide 246 demonstrates how to open a file and read from it with port->lines.

Corrections/Clarifications (fixed in copy on website)