FAQs for Assignment 3

CSc 451, Spring 2003

Last Update: February 5, 2003, 3:44pm



Q1:    Should there be a leading zero on times such as 3:04pm?

A:      Either "3:04pm" or "03:04pm" is ok. Minutes, however, should always be shown with two digits.


Q2:    Is it ok to use built-ins like repl() and right()?

A:      Yes.


Q3:    Is the order of values in the result sequences important?

A:      Yes, except for problem 1(a).


Q4:    Is it ok to use assignment? How about every and while?

A:      Using assignment is fine. every and while are ok, too, but you're probably not making the best use of the language if you find yourself using them.


Q5:    I'm sure stuck on 1(f)--The characters in s1 that are not in s2. Any hints?

A:      Think about using if-then .



Q1:    What was that about genprev() and ie?

A:      There's a bug in ie's .every directive that causes some incorrect implementations of genprev to behave differently than they would in a program. If you're seeing odd results with ie try testing with a main program instead.


A corrected version of ie is in /home/cs451/bin/ie.new. It has not been extensively tested but you're welcome to try it out. Report any problems directly to me, not the class mailing list.