University of Arizona, Department of Computer

CSc 453: Policies

Grading Grades will be based on the midterm exam (20%), the final exam (30%), and the programming project (50%).

Without prior arrangements, missed exams result in a grade of zero.

The instructor reserves the right to fail for the course any student failing the final comprehensive exam.

Your grade will be determined by your overall average (exams + programming assignments, weighted as described above), approximately as follows:

> 90 A
80 - 90 B
65 - 80 C
55 - 65 D
< 55 E
Academic Integrity It is permissible to discuss problems with others in broad terms, e.g., the structure or approach of a program. It is not permissible to discuss concrete details of solutions to a particular assignment before the due date/time for that assignment. In other words, you can talk to each other in English, but not in C/Unix.

Any work that you turn in for credit is assumed to be your own, unless you explicitly indicate otherwise. It is permissibe to share test inputs with other students; collaboration beyond this on programming assignments is not permitted. It is permissible to use "publicly visible" code -- code that is available in books or magazines, or which has been distributed/discussed in class -- in programming assignments, as long as the authorship of such code is adequately and explicitly acknowledged. It is not permissible to solicit code from others. It is also not permissible to use code written by CSc 453 students in previous terms.

For the purposes of this course, cheating is considered to be any attempt to pass off someone else's work as your own. (See also UofA Code of Academic Integrity.) Cheating will not be tolerated: any student caught cheating or helping another student cheat in homeworks, exams, or programming assignments, will be given a failing grade in the course. I intend to interpret the phrase ``helping another student cheat'' broadly: for example, if another student gains access to your code because you forgot to logout, or were careless about listings that were dumped into the recycling bin, you have helped that student cheat.

Cheating will not be tolerated: any student caught cheating or helping another student cheat in homeworks, exams, or programming assignments, will be given a failing grade in the course. I intend to interpret the phrase ``helping another student cheat'' broadly: for example, if another student gains access to your code because you forgot to logout, or were careless about listings that were dumped into the recycling bin, you have helped that student cheat.

Attendance Attendance will be expected, but not recorded. Students are fully responsible for all material presented or assigned in class. For this reason, attendance is strongly recommended.
Etiquette It is expected that people in the classroom will conduct themselves with consideration for and common courtesy towards each other. To that end, I expect students to observe the following rules of etiquette in this class:

  • While endearing, salutations such as "Hey!"—as well as variations such as "Yo!" and "Dude!"— are not appropriate when addressing the instructor.
  • Activities that are disruptive or distracting to others, such as those listed below, will not be tolerated in the classroom:
    • Reading newspapers or magazines.
    • Discussions of extended duration.
    • Phone conversations, texting.
    • Eating meals.