University of Arizona, Department of Computer Science

CSc 453 : Programming Assignment 3 (Type Checking and Semantic Actions)

Start Date: Tue Oct 13, 2015

Due Date: 11:59 PM, Mon Oct 26, 2015

1. General

This assignment involves augmenting your parser to carry out some semantic actions, which involve processing declarations and managing symbol tables; checking type consistency of programs; and constructing syntax trees. The rules for processing declarations and checking type consistency are given in the C-- Language Specification.

Your program will silently accept correct inputs, and report error messages for inputs containing errors.

The exit status of your program should be 0 if no errors are encountered during processing, and 1 if any errors (including syntax and/or semantic errors) are encountered at any point.

2. Syntax Trees

Syntax trees should be constructed a function at a time. The syntax tree for each function starts with an entry node, followed by a tree of nodes representing actions to be taken when executing that function. Each node has a field (the node descriptor) describing the kind of computation corresponding to that node, and a number of children. For example, an if-statement may translate to a node that has, apart from the node descriptor (``IF''), three children: an expr-node describing the condition to be evaluated, and two stmt-nodes representing the alternatives. An expr-node may have a field describing the operator at that node, and the appropriate number of children corresponding to subexpressions of the expression under consideration. The syntax tree node for a variable may contain a pointer to the symbol table entry for that variable. For more details regarding syntax trees, see Sec. 3.3.2 of the textbook [Loudon].

In this assignment, you will not actually do anything useful with the syntax trees you construct: the syntax tree for a function will be discarded once you leave that function. In future assignments, you will process the syntax tree to carry out code generation, dataflow analysis, and code optimization. You should strive to make your syntax tree construction as clean and modular as possible, so that future extensions are simplified.

2. Invoking Your Program

Your program will be called compile. It will read all input from stdin, and report errors to stderr.

3. Turnin

You should turn in the sources to your code on lectura. These should include:
  1. The sources and headers for your scanner and parser. If you use tools such as lex, yacc, etc., you should turn in the specifications given to these tools.
  2. A main routine that calls your parser.
  3. A make file called Makefile that should support at least the following targets:

  4. Any additional material you wish to turn in. Any documentation or comments may be turned in in a file README.
To turn in your files, use the command
turnin   cs453f15-assg3   file1 file2 ... filen
Turn in the files you want to submit just as they are: don't zip them up or turn in a directory containing your files. For more information on the turnin command, try man turnin.

Note: The turnin command copies the files submitted into another directory. Because of this, programs that use relative path names in include files and make files (e.g., #include "../../foo/bar/baz.h") may not compile and execute correctly once they are turned in. Please avoid using relative pathnames.

The output of your program will be compared with the "expected" output using diff utility (see diff(1)). With the exception of error messages, your output must follow the specification exactly. For this reason it is recommended that you follow the specification, and instructions for turnin, closely.