Obtain these from the call number or from the Main Library Reserve Book Room.
QA76.7.S48 1989 | Sethi, Ravi, Programming Languages: Concepts and Constructs, Addison-Wesley, 1989. |
QA76.7.A45 1986 | Allison, Lloyd, A Practical Introduction to Denotational Semantics, Cambridge University Press, 1986. |
QA76.7.P7 1984 | T. Pratt, Programming Languages: Design and Implementation, 2nd Ed, Prentice-Hall, 1984. |
QA76.7.T47 | R. Tennent, Principles of Programming Languages, Prentice-Hall, 1981. |
QA76.7 .T473 1991 | R.D. Tennent, Semantics of programming languagesPrentice-Hall, 1991. |
QA76.7.M33 1987 | B. MacLennan, Principles of Programming Languages, 2nd Ed, , Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1987. |
QA76.7.M28 | A. McGettrick, The Definition of Programming Languages, |
QA76.7.G48 1982 | C.L. Ghezzi and M. Jazayeri, Programming Language Concepts, Wiley, 1982. |
QA76.7.L44 | H. Ledgard and M. Marcotty, The Programming Language Landscape, SRA, 1981. |
QA76.7.H67 1983 | E. Horowitz, Fundamentals of Programming Languages, Computer Science Press, 1983. |
QA76.7.P78 1985 | E. Horowitz, ed, Programming Languages: A Grand Tour, Computer Science Press, 1985. |
QA76.7.G44 1990. | D. Gelernter and S. Jagannathan, Programming Linguistics, MIT Press, 1990. |
QA76.7.N54 1992 | Nielson and F. Nielson, Semantics with Applications, Wiley, 1992. |
QA76.7.H45 1990. | M. Hennessy, Semantics of Programming Languages, Wiley, 1990. |
QA76.7.W39 1990 | D.A. Watt, Programming Languages: Concepts and Paradigms, Prentice-Hall, 1990. |
QA76.7.W4 1991 | D.A. Watt, Programming Languages: Syntax and Semantics, Prentice-Hall, 1991 |
QA76.7.G86 1992 | Carl A. Gunter, Semantics of Programming Languages, MIT Press, 1992. |
QA76.7.S34 1988 | David Schmidt, Denotational Semantics: A Methodology for Language Development, Allyn and Bacon, 1986. |
QA76.73.A24M3 | A. McGettrick, Algol 68: A First and Second Course, Cambridge, 1978 |
QA76.73.A24R45 1976 | A. van Wijngaarden et. al. (eds.), Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language Algol 68, Springer-Verlag, 1976 |
QA76.73.A24M47 1977 | C.H. Lindsey and S.G. van der Meulen, Informal Introduction to Algol 68, Revised Edition, North-Holland, 1977 |
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