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Installing Binaries of Version 9.5 of Icon

Gregg M. Townsend
Department of Computer Science
The University of Arizona

Last updated November 8, 2009


These instructions explain how to install Unix binaries of Version 9.5 of Icon. For instructions on building an Icon source package, see Building Icon from Source.

Installing a Private Copy of Icon

To install Icon in your own directory, just unpack the tar file. This produces a directory with four subdirectories: bin, lib, doc, and man. Add the bin directory to your shell's search path.

For instructions on building and running Icon programs, see the man pages for icon and icont. For information about the Icon language, see the documentation guide.

Installing a Public Copy of Icon

A single copy of Icon can be shared among users by unpacking it in a public area, or moving it there. We suggest renaming the directory to /opt/icon for new installations, but any location is acceptable. It is only important that the bin and lib directories retain those names as members of a common parent directory. (More details about the Icon file organization are available separately.)

You can make symbolic links from other locations to programs in the Icon bin directory. For example, you can link /usr/local/bin/icon to /opt/icon/bin/icon. If you do this, link all of icon, icont, iconx, and (if present) vib.