Department of Computer
Science The University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona IPD239b April 7, 1996 |
) now
are expanded automatically as necessary. The former -S
is no longer used. As a side effect of this change, the sizes of procedures
are no longer given as part of the advisory output of icont
The Run-Time Implementation Language for Icon,
The Univ. of Arizona Icon Project Document IPD261,
The Implementation
of the Icon Programming Language, Princeton University Press, 1986.
The Implementation of an Optimizing Compiler
for Icon, The Univ. of Arizona Tech. Rep. 91-16, 1991.
Version 9.1
of the Icon Programming Language, The Univ. of Arizona Icon Project
Document IPD267, 1995. |-bin------ executable binaries and support files | |-config--- configuration directories | |-docs----- documents | |-ipl------ Icon program library | | |-common---- common source | |-h--------- header files | |-iconc----- Icon compiler source |-icon-----|-src---------|-icont----- Icon translator source | |-preproc--- preprocessor source | |-rtt------- run-time translator source | |-runtime--- run-time source | |-vtran----- variant translator source | | |-bench----- benchmarks |-tests----|-calling--- Icon-C interface tests | |-general--- general tests | |-samples--- sample programs | |-vtran----- variant translator tests