Icon 9 Variant Translator UNIX Manual Page

Ralph E. Griswold

Department of Computer Science
The University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona

November 29, 1996

icon_vt -- construct Icon variant translator system


An Icon variant translator system is a facility for constructing preprocessors for variants of Icon.

To set up a variant translator system, a new directory should be created solely for its use; otherwise files may be accidentally destroyed by the set-up process. For the purpose of example, suppose this directory is named vt. The set-up process consists of
mkdir vt 
cd vt 
Note that icon_vt must be run in the area in which the variant translator system is to be built.

The shell script icon_vt constructs two subdirectories: h and itran. The subdirectory h contains header files that are needed in C routines. The subdirectory itran contains the translator proper.

The main directory in which icon_vt is run contains a Makefile and auxiliary files needed to construct a variant translator, which is named vitran. The two files variant.defs and variant.c initially are placeholders. It is in these files that the variant is described by macro specifications and any needed C support routines. A make in this directory produces a translator, vitran. If variant.def and variant.c are left empty, the result is an identity translator.

If the input syntax of the variant translator is different from that of Icon, it is necessary to modify the Icon grammar, which is in itran/icon_g.c.

-m Preprocess each .icn source file with the m4(1) macro processor.

-s Suppress informative messages. Normally, both informative messages and error
messages are sent to standard error output.

-P Suppress #line directives in the output. This option may be necessary to prevent
#line directives from occurring in places that result in syntactically incorrect output.

v9/vtran code for building personalized interpreters

Variant Translators for Version 9 of Icon, Ralph E. Griswold, IPD245, Department of Computer Science, The University of Arizona, 1995.
Building Source-Code Processors for Icon, Ralph E. Griswold, IPD263, Department of Computer Science, The University of Arizona, 1995.

The Icon Programming Language, Ralph E. Griswold and Madge T. Griswold, Peer-to-Peer Communications, Inc., third edition, San Jose, California, 1996.

Icon home page