![]() | Department of Computer
Science The University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona IPD264d February 14, 1997 http://www.cs.arizona.edu/icon/docs/ipd264.htm |
, are used for referring to event codes. For example,
the code for string allocation is E_String
and the code for
a list generation is E_Lbang
, the
event value is an integer corresponding to the number of bytes allocated.
In the case of E_Lbang
, it is the list referenced in the SP.
Note that such an event provides an EM with direct access to data in the
loads the icode file named s
for monitoring. EvInit()
also performs various initialization
tasks. For example,
loads the icode fileEvInit("concord")
, creates a thread for it [3],
and prepares for monitoring. In addition, the value of &eventsource
is set to the SP (the thread for concord
, in this case).EvInit()
is called with a list instead of a string, the
first element of the list is taken to be the name of the icode file and
the remainder of the list is passed to the icode file as the argument of
its main procedure.EvInit()
has three optional additional arguments corresponding
to the files for standard input, standard output, and standard error output
for the SP. These arguments default to EM's &input
, &output
and &errout
. In this case the EM and the SP share these
fails if the SP cannot be loaded. It is important
to check for this possibility.EvGet(c)
returns the code for the next event,
which is one of the characters in the cset event mask c
. Events
with codes not in c
are ignored. If EvGet()
called without an argument, any event is returned.EvGet()
also also sets two keywords:
These keywords are variables and values can be assigned to them to, for example, filter a stream of events.&eventcode the code for the event (the value returned by EvGet()) &eventvalue the value for the event
fails if there are no more events -- that is, when
the SP has terminated.produces an event report from the program itself, as opposed to reports from the instrumentation in the interpreter. Such events are called artificial events. The value ofevent(code, value)
is not limited to a one-character
string; it can be any value. Normally, only one-character strings event
codes are returned by EvGet()
. However, EvGet()
has an optional second argument, which if nonnull allows EvGet()
to accept event codes that are not one-character strings. For example,
requests only artificial events.EvGet('', 1)
as described above. The event mask also can be set by
which associates the event maskeventmask(C, c)
with the thread C (for example,
). If the second argument is omitted, the function
returns the event mask for C
. The function
limits the virtual-machine instructions that are reported to those specified inopmask(C, c)
. If the second argument is omitted, the function returns
the opcode mask for C
) is
78 (hexadecimal 4e). Virtual-machine instructions are given in the opcode
mask as characters with corresponding numerical codes. Thus, an opcode mask
to limit reporting of virtual-machine instructions to Op_Unmark
could be given as \x4e
contains definitions for all virtual-machine
instructions. For example, as a result of including opdefs.icn
has the value "\x4e"
is a mask that includes only procedure events. See
Appendix A for an explanation of procedure events.
For example,link evinit $include "evdefs.icn" procedure main(args) EvInit(args) | stop("*** cannot load icode file ***") proact := table(0) # Tabulate procedure events. while EvGet(ProcMask) do proact[&eventcode] +:= 1 # List the results. write("procedure calls: ", right(proact[E_Pcall], 6)) write("procedure returns: ", right(proact[E_Pret], 6)) write("procedure suspensions: ", right(proact[E_Psusp], 6)) write("procedure failures: ", right(proact[E_Pfail], 6)) write("procedure resumptions: ", right(proact[E_Presum], 6)) write("procedure removals: ", right(proact[E_Prem], 6)) end
causes proact to runproact rsg rsg.cfg <rsg.dat
as if the command line
had been used.rsg rsg.cfg <rsg.dat
Both SPs and EMs must be compiled using MT Icon.Since a SP usually produces a very large number of events, efficiency is an important consideration in writing EMs. Events requested should be restricted to those of interest.
The ucode fileevinit
must be linked in the EM.
The include fileevdefs.icn
must be included in any EM that specifies event codes symbolically.
must be called before an event report is requested.
associates event codes and their descriptions.
It works both ways. For example,
"list allocation"
producesevnames("list allocation")
returns a two-way table that associates
event codes with the names of the corresponding global variables. For example,
thensymmap := evsyms()
produces the value ofsymmap["E_List"]
returns a table that associates both
type codes and type code letters as given by typecode()
with the event codes associated with the allocation of these types. For
example, if
then bothtypemap := typesyms()
and typemap["L"]
produce the value of E_List
returns a table that maps the integer
operation codes for Icon's virtual-machine instructions to the string names
for the instructions. For example, if
and anopermap := opnames()
event for procedure invocation occurs,
typebind(window, codes, opts)
returns a table
of graphic contexts bound to window in which there is a context for each
allocation type event code in codes. These contexts have foreground colors
corresponding to the type for that event. opts
is a table in
the style produced by options()
[6]. opts["p"]
specifies the palette to use and defaults to "standard"
if opt
is null or if it does not contain an entry for the key
.produces a table of contexts bound to the windowtypecolors := typebind(Visualization, TypeMask)
with the standard color for each type.addattrib(T, s1, s2, ...)
sets the attributes
given by s1
, s2
, ...
to the table
of contexts T
. For example,
addattrib(typecolors, "bg=white")
Notes: The event values forname event value E_Fcall Function call function E_Ffail Function failure -1 E_Fresum Function resumption 0 E_Fret Function return value produced E_Fsusp Function suspension value produced E_Frem Function suspension removal 0 E_Ocall Operator call operation E_Ofail Operator failure -1 E_Oresum Operator resumption 0 E_Oret Operator return value produced E_Osusp Operator suspension value produced E_Orem Operator suspension removal 0 E_Pcall Procedure call procedure E_Pfail Procedure failure procedure E_Prem Suspended procedure removal procedure E_Presum Procedure resumption procedure E_Pret Procedure return value produced E_Psusp Procedure suspension value produced masks events FncMask Function events OperMask Operator events ProcMask Procedure events
, E_Ocall
and E_Pcall
all have type procedure. More specific information
can be obtained using image()
on the event value. Note that
the event values for E_Ffail
, E_Fresum
, E_Frem
, E_Oresum
, and E_Orem
not useful. Useful values are not provided because the necessary information
is not available when these events occur.
Note: In most cases, structure reference events occur in pairs with the referencing event first and the corresponding subscript or value next. The event codename event value E_Lbang List generation list E_Lcreate List creation list E_Lget List get or pop list E_Lpull List pull list E_Lpush List push list E_Lput List put list E_Lrand List random reference list E_Lsub List subscript subscript E_Rbang Record generation record E_Rcreate Record creation record E_Rrand Record random reference record E_Rsub Record subscript subscript E_Sbang Set generation set E_Screate Set creation set E_Sdelete Set deletion set E_Sinsert Set insertion set E_Smember Set membership set E_Trand Set random references table E_Tbang Table generation table E_Tkey Table key generation table E_Tcreate Table creation table E_Tdelete Table deletion table E_Tinsert Table insertion table E_Tmember Table membership table E_Trand Table random references table E_Tsub Table subscript subscript masks events ListMask List events RecordMask Record events SetMask Set events TableMask Table Events StructMask All structure events
serves for both get()
; they are just different names for the same function.
Notes:name event value E_Sfail Scanning failure old subject E_Snew Scanning environment creation new subject E_Spos Scanning position position E_Sresum Scanning resumption restored subject E_Ssusp Scanning suspension current subject E_Srem Scanning environment removal old subject mask events ScanMask Scanning events
events occur for all changes to the scanning
position except when a new scanning environment is created. An E_Snew
event implies changing the scanning position to 1.
name event value E_Coact Co-expression activation co-expression E_Cofail Co-expression failure co-expression E_Coret Co-expression return co-expression
Notes: The event value forname event value E_Assign Assignment variable name E_Value Assignment value value assigned E_Ssasgn Assignment to substring length of result mask events AssignMask E_Assign and E_Value
is based on the
string produced by name()
. In the case of identifiers, the
event value for E_Assign
contains additional information about
the type of identifier, and in the case of local and static identifiers,
the procedure name is listed also. A +
after an identifier
name indicates a global variable, :
, a static variable, -
a local variable, and ^
, a parameter. In the last three cases,
the procedure name follows the symbol, as in
which identifies the local identifiercount-tabulate
in the procedure
. An E_Value
event occurs after the assignment
has been made. Thus, an EM can change the value of a variable in a SP following
an E_Value
event and have the change be effective.E_Ssasgn
events occur as the result of evaluating expressions
such as
which is equivalent tos1[i:j] := s2
(assumings1 := s1[1:i] || s2 || s1[j:0]
and j
are positive and in nondecreasing
Notes: Each conversion consists of three events. The first isname event value E_Aconv Conversion attempt input value E_Fconv Conversion failure input value E_Nconv Conversion not needed input value E_Sconv Conversion success output value mask events ConvMask conversion events
which is followed by E_Tconv
. Next is one of the other events
depending on whether the conversion fails, is unnecessary (conversion of
a value to its own type), or is successful (conversion of a value to another
type). Since the potential output value is not available when a E_Tconv
event occurs, a representative value of the type is used. This allows the
types for an attempted conversion to be determined in cases where the conversion
fails. Note that the event values for the codes E_Fconv
are not particularly useful.
Note: See also the next section on garbage collection events.name event value E_Alien Alien allocation bytes allocated E_BlkDeAlc Block deallocation bytes deallocated E_Coexpr co-expression allocation bytes allocated E_Cset Cset allocation bytes allocated E_External External allocation bytes allocated E_File File allocation bytes allocated E_Free Free allocation bytes allocated E_Lelem List element allocation bytes allocated E_List List allocation bytes allocated E_Lrgint Large integer allocation bytes allocated E_Real Real allocation bytes allocated E_Record Record allocation bytes allocated E_Refresh Refresh allocation bytes allocated E_Selem Set element allocation bytes allocated E_Set Set allocation bytes allocated E_Slots Hash header allocation bytes allocated E_StrDeAlc String deallocation bytes deallocated E_String String allocation bytes allocated E_Table Table allocation bytes allocated E_Telem Table element allocation bytes allocated E_Tvsubs Substring tv allocation bytes allocated E_Tvtbl Table-element tv allocation bytes allocated mask events AllocMask allocation events (but not deallocation events)
Notes: Ifname event value E_Collect Begin garbage collection region number E_EndCollect End of garbage collection null value E_TenureBlock Tenure block region size E_TenureString Tenure string region size
t is in the event mask for EvGet(
the data objects saved by garbage collection are reported as allocation
events using the same event codes as for allocation. Such events occur after
the E_Collect
event but before the E_EndCollect
event. This dual use of allocation event codes occurs only if E_EndCollect
is in the event mask. Monitors that request E_EndCollect
need to take into account the context in which allocation events are reported.
Notes: The stack depth reported in the event value forname event value E_Intcall Call of interpreter procedure interpreter signal E_Intret Return of interpreter procedure interpreter signal E_Stack Stack depth change stack depth
is erroneously large. Use the event value of the first E_Stack
event as a base for subsequent values.
Notes:name event value E_Loc Program location change line/col. #s E_MXevent Event in EM window window event E_Opcode Virtual-machine instruction operation code E_Tick Clock tick # of ticks E_Error Run-time error error number E_Exit Program exit exit code
events are obtained by checking the system
clock during program interpretation. During garbage collection and other
time-consuming activities the suspend interpretation, several clock ticks
may occur before they are reported. This is reflected in the event value
for E_Tick
. On a Sun 4, the clock ticks once every 10 milliseconds;
on a DEC Alpha, it ticks once every millisecond. The event value for an
event contains the SP source-program column number in
the high-order 16 bits and the line number in the low-order 16 bits.
Notes: These events are provided for communication between EMs running under the control of a monitor coordinator. The use of artificial events requires the cooperation of EMs and their production of appropriate event values. Thename event value E_Disable Disable monitoring varies E_Enable Enable monitoring varies E_ALoc Program location change line/col. #s
event is an artificial version of the E_Loc
event and is provided so that SP source-program location information can
be communicated between monitors.
Typical output:link evinit link evsyms link opnames link options $include "evdefs.icn" procedure main(args) local codes, esmap, opmap, mask, opts, output opts := options(args, "o:") output := open(\opts["o"], "w") | &output EvInit(args) | stop("*** cannot load SP") opmap := opnames() # table to map opcodes to # their names esmap := evsyms() # table to map event codes to # their symbols mask := cset(E_Opcode) # When a program starts, there are a few pseudo # opcodes before real ones. Skip these. while EvGet(mask) do { if opmap[integer(&eventvalue)] == "Invoke" then { writes(output, "Invoke |") break() } } while EvGet() do { if &eventcode === E_Opcode then { write(output) writes(output, left(opmap[integer( &eventvalue)], 10), "|") } else writes(output, " ", esmap[&eventcode]) } write(output) end
Invoke | E_Pcall E_Loc Mark | Pnull | Global | Pnull | Global | Global | E_Loc Keywd | E_Loc Invoke | E_Ecall E_Fcall E_Aconv E_Tconv E_String E_Sconv E_Fret E_Loc Asgn | E_Ocall E_Assign E_Value E_Oret E_Loc Asgn | E_Ocall E_Assign E_Value E_Oret Unmark | Mark | Pnull | Global | Pnull | Global | Pnull | Pnull | Global | E_Loc Size | E_Ocall E_Oret Int | E_Loc Div | E_Ocall E_Oret E_Loc Asgn | E_Ocall E_Assign E_Value E_Oret E_Loc Asgn | E_Ocall E_Assign E_Value E_Oret Unmark | Mark | Pnull | Global | Str | E_Loc Asgn | E_Ocall E_Assign E_Value E_Oret Unmark | Mark | Pnull | Global | Global | Str | Global | E_Loc Invoke | E_Ecall E_Fcall E_Aconv E_Tconv E_Nconv E_String E_Fret E_Loc Asgn | E_Ocall E_Assign E_Value E_Oret Unmark |
link evinit link options link procname $include "evdefs.icn" procedure main(args) local opts, itime, output, inttbl, reltbl, cmask, rmask local numlist, op, pos, neg, plus, minus, mpy, div, pwr local mod opts := options(args, "o:t") output := open(\opts["o"], "w") | &output if \opts["t"] then itime := &time EvInit(args) | stop("*** cannot load SP") inttbl := table(0) reltbl := table(0) cmask := E_Fcall ++ E_Ocall rmask := E_Fret ++ E_Oret ++ E_Ffail ++ E_Ofail pos := proc("+", 1) neg := proc("-", 1) plus := proc("+", 2) minus := proc("-", 2) mpy := proc("*", 2) div := proc("/", 2) mod := proc("%", 2) pwr := proc("^", 2) while EvGet(cmask) do { # Check to see if the operation is a numeric one. if (op := &eventvalue) === ( plus | minus | mpy | div | neg | pwr | mod | iand | ior | ixor | icom| ishift | pos) # If it is, look for the return event. then { EvGet(rmask) if &eventcode === (E_Ofail | E_Ffail) then next # skip failures case type(&eventvalue) of { "integer": inttbl[op] +:= 1 "real": reltbl[op] +:= 1 } } } write(output, "\nInteger computation:\n") numlist := sort(inttbl, 3) while write(output, left(procname(get(numlist)), 6), right(get(numlist), 9)) write(output, "\nReal computation:\n") numlist := sort(reltbl, 3) while write(output, left(procname(get(numlist)), 6), right(get(numlist), 9)) write(output, "\nelapsed time: ", &time - \itime, "ms") endTypical output:
Integer computation: +1 1 %2 16 *2 90 +2 28324 -2 23194 /2 16 ior 6415 ishift 21876 ixor 7730 Real computation: /2 1