ATTN: Ralph Griswold 10/26/94 Icon Project Ralph: This disk contains KRSG (Knowledge Representation System Generator). I apologize for the pretentious name. It's actually a code generator that generate C++ class definitions, member functions, etc from type specifications. The code generator itself is written in Icon. KRSG is described in the file KRDESC.DOC. KRUSER.DOC is a how-to-use-it document. These files are also in a sub-directory in the .ZIP file. [FTP/Web files renamed to KRDESC.TXT and KRUSER.TXT. --ed] I'm placing this software in the public domain. You are welcome to make it available if you feel it is of interest. There is one piece of commercial software (the Softfocus BTree package) which is required for the use of this system, although it would be reasonably easy to replace the Softfocus package with some other record management package. I have not included the Software package; I'm not supposed to. PCCTS (the Purdue compiler construction toolset) is also required for use of this package. PCCTS and its source code is in the public domain. I have included PCCTS executables for OS/2 (I use OS/2). These dependencies are described in the two .DOC files on this disk. As ever, thanks for Icon. And please thank your OS/2 person for me. I am very greateful for excellent software. Dave Kuhlman Reify 426 Madison Ave #9 Redwood City, CA 94061 Phone: 415-368-8450 E-mail: