############################################################################ # # File: imgpaper.icn # # Subject: Program to tile images to form wallpaper # # Author: Ralph E. Griswold # # Date: February 21, 1998 # ############################################################################ # # This file is in the public domain. # ############################################################################ # # This program tiles images to fill a window. # # The supported options are: # # -s read image strings from standard input; default, use # image file names given on command line # -w i window width, default 640 # -h i window height, default 480 # -g r gamma; default to Icon default # -m manual mode; wait for event before going to next image # -a i automatic mode (default); hold pane for i seconds, default 2 # -l list names of files on standard output # -i save GIF file of each image # -n s prefix for image names, default "paper" # -b fill window with black at end and hold for event # -v size for video recording, 342x240; overrides other settings # -M mirror image before tiling # # In the case of the -m option for images, if the event is a letter, the # letter, a colon, and current image name is printed to standard output. # In case of the -m option for image strings, if the event is a letter, # the image string is written. # ############################################################################ # # Requires: Version 9 graphics # ############################################################################ # # Links: imsutils, mirror, options, tiler, xio # ############################################################################ link imsutils link mirror link options link tiler link xio procedure main(args) local opts, w, h, hold, names, name, prefix, images, count, number local lines, ims, bad, Hold, mir, background, e, gamma, tmp1, tmp2 Hold := Event opts := options(args, "w+h+g.ma+lisn:bvM") w := \opts["w"] | 640 h := \opts["h"] | 480 mir := \opts["M"] if \opts["v"] then { # size for video recording w := 320 h := 240 } background := opts["b"] if /opts["m"] then Event := 1 hold := (\opts["a"] * 1000.0) | 2000 names := opts["l"] images := opts["i"] prefix := \opts["n"] | "paper" if (gamma := \opts["g"]) & (gamma <= 0.0) then stop("gamma value must be greater than 0.0") number := 0 count := -1 WOpen("size=" || w || "," || h, "fillstyle=textured") | stop("*** cannot open window") WAttrib("gamma="|| \opts["g"]) if \background then Hold() if \opts["s"] then { while ims := readims() do { tileims(&window, ims) | { write(&errout, "*** cannot draw image") /bad := open("bad.ims", "a") | stop("*** cannot open bad.ims") write(bad, ims) } WFlush() if \lines then write(number +:= 1) if Event === 1 then delay(hold) else { if Event() === !&letters then write(ims) } EraseArea() } } else { every name := !args do { WAttrib("label=" || name) if \mir then { tmp1 := WOpen("image=" || name, "canvas=hidden") tmp2 := mirror(tmp1) tile(tmp2, &window) WClose(tmp1) WClose(tmp2) } else tileimg(&window, name) if \names then write(name) if \images then WriteImage(prefix || right(count +:= 1, 3, "0") || ".gif") if Event === 1 then delay(hold) else { e := Event() write(!&letters === e, ":", name) } EraseArea() } } if \background then { # fill with black and hold? FillRectangle() Hold() } end