Color Plates from "Graphics Programming in Icon"

[thumbnail] Plate 3.1: A Graphics Sampler
This program exercises a wide variety of features. We use it for a quick check that things are functioning properly.
Source code.
[thumbnail] [thumbnail] Plate 4.1: Sierpinski Polygons
The classic Sierpinski Triangle is shown here with a pentagonal generalization.
Source code.
[thumbnail] Plate 4.2: Random Paint Splatters
This display was produced by a fifteen-line program, not counting comments.
Source code.
[thumbnail] Plate 7.1: A Page from the Color Book
The colrbook program explores Icon's named colors. Here are the the twenty shades of the bluish cyan hue.
Source code.
[thumbnail] Plate 7.2: Interactive Color Selection
The colrpick program allows selection of colors using either RGB or HSV color space.
Source code.
[thumbnail] Plate 7.3: Random Rectangles
Recursive division and random coloration produced this decorative image.
Source code.
[thumbnail] Plate 8.1: Color Palettes
In the upper left, the c1 color palette appears. Below, the c2 through c6 regular color palettes are shown.
Source code.
[thumbnail] Plate 8.2: The Color Space Surface
This display of available colors comes from flattening and stretching the surface of the double cone of HLS color space. Partially saturated colors from the interior are not shown.
Source code.
[thumbnail] Plate 8.3: The c1 Surface
The c1 palette contains just 90 discrete colors, of which 72 lie on the surface of color space. Notice the extra colors in the brown and orange regions.
Source code.
[thumbnail] Plate 8.4: The c6 Surface
The c6 palette, with a total of 241 colors, provides finer granularity. Its 152 surface colors are distributed symmetrically.
Source code.
[thumbnail] Plate 10.1: A Simple Image Editor
This mouse-based editor constructs images using a palette, shown at the left. The three mouse buttons have been assigned shades of blue.
Source code.
[thumbnail] Plate 10.2: Concentration Game
The Icon program library includes the procedures for drawing playing cards used by this Concentration game, as well as the game itself.
Source code.
[thumbnail] Plate 11.1: Kaleidoscope Display
This program is the subject of a detailed case study in Chapters 11 through 13.
Source code.
[thumbnail] Plate 13.1: Bin Packing
Several algorithms for bin packing are demonstrated by this program. Here, a first-fit packing is shown.
Source code.
[thumbnail] Plate 13.2a: Tilings from Images
This interactive program produces tilings using rectangles cut from an image. Even the most mundane image can yield interesting patterns.
Source code.
[thumbnail] Plate 13.2b: Tilings from Other Plates
These patterns were taken from the other color plates. Can you identify the sources?
[thumbnail] Tilings from the Amphibian Image
All these different tilings came from the amphibian image seen in Plate 13.2a.

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