barchart.icn: Procedures for dynamically growing barchart

procedure barchart:        draw barchart
procedure setbar:          set bar value on barchart
procedure rebar:           redraw barchart

link barchart
August 14, 1996; Gregg M. Townsend
Requires: Version 9 graphics
This file is in the public domain.

These procedures draw barcharts that can grow dynamically.

barchart(win, x, y, dx, dy, sf, n, l, w, b) creates a barchart.

setbar(bc, n, v)        sets the value of a bar.

rebar(bc, sf)           redraws a barchart with a new scaling factor.

barchart(win, x, y, dx, dy, sf, n, l, w, b) -- establish a barchart

    win      window
    x,y      position of base of first bar
    dx,dy    distance to base of second bar (either dx or dy should be
    sf       scaling (pixels per unit of value, + or -, need not be
    n        number of bars
    l,w      length (maximum) and width of one bar
    b        logarithmic base, if bars are to be scaled logarithmically

    barchart() establishes structures for building a barchart.  Any of the
    eight possible orthogonal orientations can be selected depending on the
    signs of dx, dy, and sf.

    The absolute value of sf establishes a linear scaling from barchart
    values to number of pixels.  Scaling is handled such that a value of 1
    makes the first mark on a bar and then each increment of sf lengthens
    the bar by one pixel.  If a bar would exceed the limit then the entire
    chart is rescaled so that only half the range is then used.

setbar(bc, n, v) - set bar n of barchart bc to represent value v

    It is assumed that v>0 and that bars never shrink; but they may grow.

rebar(bc, sf) - redraw barchart with new scaling factor sf.

    sf is assumed to be of the same sign as the previous scaling factor.


    Suppose "scores" is a list of scores ranging from 0 to 100.
    This code fragment dynamically draws a histogram using 21 bins.

    The call to barchart() specifies:
        The lower left-hand corner of the barchart is (10, 190).
        The next bar is 10 pixels to its right, which would be (20, 190).
        The bars grow upward, to smaller y values, so the scaling factor
        is negative; each score will grow its bar by 5 pixels.
        Each bar grows to a maximum length of 180 pixels; the width is 8.
        No base is given, so scaling is linear.

    bc := barchart(win, 10, 190, 10, 0, -5, 21, 180, 8)
    b := list(21, 0)                # histogram bins
    every n := !scores do {
        i := n / 5                  # bin (and bar) number
        b[i] +:= 1                  # increment bin count
        setbar(bc, i, b[i])         # update display

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