drag.icn: Procedures for dragging rectangles

procedure Drag:            opaque rectangle drag
procedure DragOutline:     outlined rectangle drag

link drag
August 21, 1998; Gregg M. Townsend
Requires: Version 9 graphics
This file is in the public domain.

These procedures drag rectangular objects in a window.

Drag(x, y, w, h)                provides an opaque move.

DragOutline(x, y, w, h)         drags only the outline.

Drag(x, y, w, h) lets the user move a rectangular area using the
mouse.  Called when a mouse button is pressed, Drag() handles all
subsequent events until a mouse button is released.  As the mouse
moves, the rectangular area originally at (x,y,w,h) follows it
across the screen; vacated pixels at the original location are
filled with the background color.  The rectangle cannot be dragged
off-screen or outside the clipping region.  When the mouse button
is released, Drag() sets &x and &y to the upper-left corner of the
new location and returns.

DragOutline(x, y, w, h) lets the user move a reverse-mode rectangle
using the mouse.  Called when a mouse button is pressed, DragOutline
draws a reverse-mode rectangle inside the limits of the rectangle
(x,y,w,h) and handles all subsequent events until a mouse button is
released.  As the mouse moves, the rectangle follows it.  When the
mouse button is released, the rectangle disappears, and DragOutline
sets &x and &y to the upper-left corner of the new location.  It is
up to the calling program to update the display as necessary.

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