gpxlib.icn: Procedures for graphics tasks

procedure Distance:        distance between two points
procedure InBounds:        check point within rectangle
procedure ScratchCanvas:   return scratch canvas

link gpxlib
August 21, 1998; Gregg M. Townsend
Requires: Version 9 graphics
This file is in the public domain.

This file contains a few eclectic graphics procedures.

ScratchCanvas(w, h, id)   creates a temporary, hidden window.

PushWin(L)                adds a default window to an argument list.

Distance(x1, y1, x2, y2)  computes the distance between two points.

InBounds(x, y, w, h)      succeeds if (&x,&y) is within (x,y,w,h).

The following procedure allows an additional first argument
specifying a window to use instead of &window:

ScratchCanvas(w, h, id) returns a hidden-canvas window for temporary
use.  The same scratch window (per display) is returned by successive
calls with the same ID, avoiding the cost of creation.  The size is
guaranteed to be at least (w, h), which default to the size of the
window.  The scratch window must not be closed by the caller, but an
EraseArea can be done to reclaim any allocated colors.

The following procedures do not accept a window argument:

PushWin(L) pushes &window onto the front of list L if the first
element of the list is not a window.  This aids in constructing
variable-argument procedures with an optional window argument.

Distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) returns the distance between two points
as a real number.

InBounds(x, y, w, h) checks whether &x and &y are within the given
region:  it returns &null if x <= &x <= x+w and y <= &y <= y+h,
and fails otherwise.

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