link imsutils
May 2, 2001; Ralph E. Griswold
Requires: Version 8.11 graphics
This file is in the public domain.
This file contains procedures that manipulate string representations for images. patident(imx1, imx2) XDrawTile(win, xoff, yoff, pattern, magnif, mode) XDrawRows(win, xoff, yoff, imx, magnif, mode) bits2hex(s) decspec(pattern) getpatt(line) getpattnote(line) hex2bits(s) hexspec(pattern) legalpat(tile) legaltile(tile) pat2xbm(pattern, name) tilebits(imx) pdensity(pattern) pix2pat(window, x, y, cols, rows) readims(input) readimsline(input) rowbits(pattern) imstoimx(ims) imxtoims(imx) showbits(pattern) tiledim(pattern) pheight(pattern) pwidth(pattern) xbm2rows(input)