procedure eqpats: test row patterns for equality
link patutils
July 8, 2002; Ralph E. Griswold
Requires: Version 9 graphics
This file is in the public domain.
This file contains procedures that manipulate graphic pattern representations. These procedures are intended for bi-level patterns representable by 0s and 1s. A row pattern is a list of strings, with each string representing a row in the pattern. DrawTile(win, xoff, yoff, pattern, magnif, mode) DrawRows(win, xoff, yoff, rows, magnif, mode) bits2hex(s) decspec(pattern) eqpats(prws, rows2) getpatt(line) getpattnote(line) hex2bits(s) hexspec(pattern) legalpat(tile) legaltile(tile) pat2xbm(pattern, name) tilebits(rows) pdensity(pattern) pix2pat(window, x, y, cols, rows) readpatt(input) readpattline(input) rowbits(pattern) pat2rows(pattern) rows2pat(rlist) showbits(pattern) tiledim(pattern) xbm2rows(input)