vsetup.icn: Procedures for vidget application setup

link vsetup
October 9, 1997; Gregg M. Townsend
This file is in the public domain.

vsetup(win, cbk, wlist[]) initializes a set of widgets according to
a list of specifications created by the interface editor VIB.

win can be an existing window, a list of command arguments to be
passed to Window(), null, or omitted.  In the latter three cases
a new window is opened if &window is null.

cbk is a default callback routine to be used when no callback is
specified for a particular vidget.

wlist is a list of specifications; the first must be the Sizer and
the last may be null.  Each specification is itself a list consisting
of a specification string, a callback routine, and an optional list
of additional specifications.  Specification strings vary by vidget
type, but the general form is "ID:type:style:n:x,y,w,h:label".

vsetup returns a table of vidgets indexed by vidget ID.
The root vidget is included with the ID of "root".

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