wipe.icn: Procedure to wipe window area

link wipe
May 2, 2001; Ralph E. Griswold
Requires: Version 9 graphics
This file is in the public domain.

wipe(window, color, direction, x, y, w, h)  "wipes" a rectangular area of
window to the specified color.  The direction of wiping can be any one of:

     "right"         from left to right
     "left"          from right to left
     "down"          from top to bottom
     "up             from bottom to top
     "left-right"    from left and right toward center
     "up-down"       from top and bottom toward center
     "in"            from outside to inside

The default direction is "right".

The default color is the background color of the window.

x, y is the top left corner of the area and w and h are the width and
height. An omitted value defaults to the one for the entire window.

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