bitstrm.icn: Procedures to read and write strings of bits in files

link bitstrm
August 14, 1996; Robert J. Alexander
See also: bitstr.icn
This file is in the public domain.

Procedures for reading and writing integer values made up of an
arbitrary number of bits, stored without regard to character

Usage of BitStreamWrite, by example:

     record bit_value(value, nbits)
     BitStreamWrite()                        #initialize
     while value := get_new_value() do       # loop to output values
             BitStreamWrite(outfile, value.nbits, value.value)
     BitStreamWrite(outfile)                 # output any buffered bits

Note the interesting effect that BitStreamWrite(outproc), as well as
outputting the complete string, pads the output to an even character
boundary.  This can be dune during construction of a bit string if
the effect is desired.

The "value" argument defaults to zero.

Usage of BitStreamRead, by example:

     while value := BitStreamRead(infile, nbits) do
             # do something with value

BitStringRead fails when too few bits remain to satisfy a request.

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