procedure project: project a list of coordinates procedure invp: return inversion of projection procedure sbsize: calculate scalebar size procedure rectp: define rectangular projection procedure pptrans: define planar projective transformation procedure utm: define UTM projection procedure compose: define composite projection
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February 19, 2003; Gregg M. Townsend and William S. Evans
This file is in the public domain.
These procedures project geographic coordinates. rectp(x1, y1, x2, y2, xm, ym) defines a rectangular projection. pptrans(L1, L2) defines a planar projective transformation. utm(a, f) defines a latitude/longitude to UTM projection. project(p, L) projects a list of coordinates. invp(p) returns the inverse of projection p. compose(p1, p2, ...) creates a composite projection. ____________________________________________________________ rectp(x1, y1, x2, y2, xm, ym) returns a rectangular projection in which the point (x1, y1) maps to (x2, y2). If xm is specified, distances in the projected coordinate system are scaled by xm. If ym is also specified, xm scales x values while ym scales y values. ____________________________________________________________ pptrans(L1, L2) returns a planar projective transform that maps the four points in L1 to the four points in L2. Each of the two lists contains 8 coordinates: [x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4]. ____________________________________________________________ utm(a, f) returns a projection from latitude and longitude to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) representation. The reference ellipsoid is specified by a, the equatorial radius in metres, and f, the flattening. Alternatively, f can be omitted with a specifying a string, such as "Clarke66"; if a is also omitted, "WGS84" is used. See ellipsoid() in geodat.icn for the list of possible strings. The input list contains signed numeric values: longitude and latitude, in degrees, in that order (x before y). The output list contains triples: an integer zone number followed by real-valued UTM x and y distances in metres. No "false easting" is applied. UTM conversions are valid between latitudes 72S and 84N, except for those portions of Norway where the UTM grid is irregular. ____________________________________________________________ project(p, L) applies a projection, reading a list of coordinates and returning a new list of transformed coordinates. ____________________________________________________________ invp(p) returns the inverse of projection p, or fails if no inverse projection is available. ____________________________________________________________ compose(p1, p2, ..., pn) returns the projection that is the composition of the projections p1, p2, ..., pn. The composition applies pn first. ____________________________________________________________ sbsize(p, x, y, u, maxl) calculates a scale bar size for use with projection p at input coordinates (x, y). Given u, the size of an unprojected convenient unit (meter, foot, mile, etc.) at (x, y), sbsize() returns the maximum "round number" N such that -- N is of the form i * 10 ^ k for i in {1,2,3,4,5} -- the projected length of the segment (x, y, x + N * u, y) does not exceed maxl ____________________________________________________________ UTM conversion algorithms are based on: Map Projections: A Working Manual John P. Snyder U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395 Washington: Superintendent of Documents, 1987 Planar projective transformation calculations come from: Computing Plane Projective Transformations (Method 1) Andrew Zisserman, Robotics Research Group, Oxford in CVOnline (R. Fisher, ed.), found 22 February 2000 at: