conffile.icn: Procedures to read initialization directives

procedure Directive:       Wrapper to build directive specification
procedure ReadDirectives:  Builds icon data structures from a config file
procedure Directive_table_ build table of sets: action key value(s)
procedure Directive_table: build table: action key value
procedure Directive_set:   build set: action value(s)
procedure Directive_list:  build list: action value(s)
procedure Directive_value: build value: action value
procedure Directive_exists build existence flag: action
procedure Directive_ignore quietly ignore any directive
procedure Directive_warnin flag directive with a warning

link conffile
March 25, 2002; David A. Gamey

Thanks to Clint Jeffery for suggesting the Directive wrapper and
making defining a specification much cleaner looking and easier!

This file is in the public domain.


   At Some point certain procedures become indispensable.  Anyone who
   has used 'options' from the Icon program library will probably agree.
   I found a need to be able to quickly, change the format and
   interpretation of a set of configuration and rules files.  And so, I
   hope this collection of procedures will become similarly indispensable.

Directive( p1, p2, i1, i2 ) : r1

   returns a specification record for a table required by ReadDirectives

   p1 is the build procedure used to extract the data from the file.
      The table below describes the build procedures and the default
      minimum and maximum number of arguments for each.  If the included
      procedures don't meet your needs then you can easily add your own
      and still use Directive to build the specification.

         build procedure              minargs     maxargs

         Directive_table_of_sets         2            -
         Directive_table                 2            -
         Directive_value                 1            1
         Directive_set                   1            -
         Directive_list                  1            -
         < user defined >                1            -
         Directive_exists                0            0
         Directive_ignore                0            -
         Directive_warning               0            -

   p2 is an edit procedure that allows you to preprocess the data or null
   i1 is the minimum number of arguments for this directive, default is 1
   i2 is the maximum number of arguments for this directive

   Run-time Errors:
   - 123 if p1 isn't a procedure
   - 123 if p2 isn't null or a procedure
   - 101 if i1, i2 aren't integers and not ( 0 <= i1 <= i2 ) after defaults

ReadDirectives( l1, t1, s1, s2, c1, c2, p1 ) : t2

   returns a table containing parsed directives for the specified file

   l1 is a list of file names or open files, each element of l1 is tried
      in turn until a file is opened or an open file is encountered.

         For example: [ "my/rules", "/etc/rules", &input ]

   t1 is a table of specifications for parsing and handling each directive
   s1 the comment character, default "#"
   s2 the continuation character, default "_"
   c1 the escape character, default "\"
   c2 the cset of whitespace, default ' \b\t\v\f\r'
   p1 stop | an error procedure to be called, fail if null

   t2 is a table containing the parsed results keyed by tag

      - the special key "*file*" is a list containing the original
        text of input file with interspersed diagnostic messages.
      - the comment, escape, continuation and whitespace characters
        must not overlap (unpredictable)
      - the end of a directive statement will forcibly close an open
        quote (no warning)
      - the end of file will forcibly close a continuation (no warning)

   Run-time Errors:
      - 103, 104, 107, 108, 500
        500 errors occur if:
        - arguments are too big/small
        - the specification table is improper

Directive file syntax:

   - blank lines are ignored
   - all syntactic characters are parameterized
   - everything after a comment character is ignored (discarded)
   - to include a comment character in the directive,
     precede it with an escape
   - to continue a directive,
     place a continue character at the end of the line (before comments)
   - trailing whitespace is NOT ignored in continuations
   - quoted strings are supported,
   - to include a quote within a quoted string,
     precede the enclosed quote with an escape


-- Config file, example: --

   # comment line

   var1 "This string, w/o quotes, will be in cfgspec[\"var\"]"
   cset1 "abcdefffffffffffff"   # type of quotes isn't important
   int1  12345
   lcase1 "Hello There THIs iS CasE inSENsITive"
   list1 one two three _ # continues
        four five one three zero
   set1 one one one two three 3 'a b c' # one two three 3 'a b c'
   table1 k1 v1
   table1 k2 v2
   t/set1 key1 v1 v2 v3 v4
   t/set1 key2 v5 v6
   t/set1 key3 "1 2 \#3"  # comment
   warn1  this will produce _
          a warning

-- Coding example: --

   # 1. Define a specification table using Directive.
   #    Directive has four fields:
   #    - the procedure to handle the tag
   #    - an optional edit procedure to preprocess the data
   #    - the minimum number of values following the tag,
   #      default is dependent on the &null is treated as 0
   #    - the maximum number of values following the tag,
   #      &null is treated as unlimited
   #    The table's keys are the directives of the configuration file
   #    The default specification should be either warning of ignore

        cfgspec    := table( Directive( Directive_warning ) )
        cfgspec["var1"]   := Directive( Directive_value )
        cfgspec["cset1"]  := Directive( Directive_value, cset )
        cfgspec["int1"]   := Directive( Directive_value, integer )
        cfgspec["lcase1"] := Directive( Directive_value, map )
        cfgspec["list1"]  := Directive( Directive_list )
        cfgspec["set1"]   := Directive( Directive_set )
        cfgspec["table1"] := Directive( Directive_table )
        cfgspec["t/set1"] := Directive( Directive_table_of_sets )

   # 2. Read, parse and build a table based upon the spec and the file

        cfg := ReadDirectives( ["my.conf",&input], cfgspec )

   # 3. Process the output

        every write(!cfg["*file*"])
        every  k :=key(cfg) do
        if k ~== "*file*" then write(k, " := ",ximage(cfg[k]))

-- Output: --


   # comment line

   var1 "This string, w/o quotes, will be in cfgspec[\"var\"]"
   cset1 "abcdefffffffffffff"   # type of quotes isn't important
   int1  12345
   lcase1 "Hello There THIs iS CasE inSENsITive"
   list1 one two three _ # continues
       four five one three zero
   set1 one one one two three 3 'a b c' # one two three 3 'a b c'
         table1 k1 v1
         table1 k2 v2
         t/set1 key1 v1 v2 v3 v4
         t/set1 key2 v5 v6
         t/set1 key3 "1 2 \#3"  # comment
   warn This will produce a _
   -- Directive isn't defined in specification.


   set1 := S1 := set()
      insert(S1,"a b c")
   cset1 := 'abcdef'
   t/set1 := T4 := table(&null)
      T4["key1"] := S2 := set()
      T4["key2"] := S3 := set()
      T4["key3"] := S4 := set()
         insert(S4,"1 2 #3")
   list1 := L12 := list(8)
      L12[1] := "one"
      L12[2] := "two"
      L12[3] := "three"
      L12[4] := "four"
      L12[5] := "five"
      L12[6] := "one"
      L12[7] := "three"
      L12[8] := "zero"
   lcase1 := "hello there this is case insensitive"
   int1 := 12345
   var1 := "This string, w/o quotes, will be in cfgspec[\"var\"]"
   table1 := T3 := table(&null)
      T3["k1"] := "v1"
      T3["k2"] := "v2"

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