ibench.icn: Procedures to support Icon benchmarking

link ibench
March 23, 2002; Ralph E. Griswold
This file is in the public domain.

Procedures to support benchmarking of Icon programs:

   Init__(prog)           initialize for benchmarking
   Term__()               terminate benchmarking
   Allocated__()          get amounts allocated
   Collections__()        get collections
   Regions__()            get regions
   Signature__()          show program/environment information
   Storage__()            get storage
   Time__()               show elapsed time
   Display__(data,name)   show information

   The code to be timed is bracketed by calls to Init__(name)
and Term__(), where name is used for tagging the results.
The typical usage is:

     procedure main()

   If the environment variable OUTPUT is set, program output is
not suppressed.

   If the environment variable NOBENCH is set, benchmarking is not
performed (and OUTPUT has no effect).  This allows a program that
links ibench to run in the ordinary way.

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