iscreen.icn: Procedures for screen functions

link iscreen
May 2, 2001; Richard L. Goerwitz
Requires: UNIX
See also: boldface.icn
This file is in the public domain.

    This file contains some rudimentary screen functions for use with
itlib.icn (termlib-like routines for Icon).

    clear()              - clears the screen (tries several methods)
    emphasize()          - initiates emphasized (usu. = reverse) mode
    boldface()           - initiates bold mode
    blink()              - initiates blinking mode
    normal()             - resets to normal mode
    message(s)           - displays message s on 2nd-to-last line
    underline()          - initiates underline mode
    status_line(s,s2,p)  - draws status line s on the 3rd-to-last
      screen line; if s is too short for the terminal, s2 is used;
      if p is nonnull then it either centers, left-, or right-justi-
      fies, depending on the value, "c," "l," or "r."
    clear_emphasize()    - horrible way of clearing the screen to all-
      emphasize mode; necessary for many terminals

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