lastc.icn: Procedures for string scanning

link lastc
March 25, 2002; David A. Gamey
This file is in the public domain.


lastc( c, s, i1, i2 ) : i3

   succeeds and produces i1, provided either
   -  i1 is 1, or
   -  s[i1 - 1] is in c and i2 is greater than i1

   defaults:   same as for any
   errors:     same as for any

findp( c, s1, s2, i1, i2 ) : i3, i4, ..., in

   generates the sequence of positions in s2 at which s1 occurs
   provided that:
   -  s2 is preceded by a character in c,
      or is found at the beginning of the string
   i1 & i2 limit the search as in find

   defaults:   same as for find
   errors:     same as for find & lastc

findw( c1, s1, c2, s2, i1, i2 ) : i3, i4, ..., in

   generates the sequence of positions in s2 at which s1 occurs
   provided that:
   -  s2 is preceded by a character in c1,
      or is found at the beginning of the string;
   -  s2 is succeeded by a character in c2,
      or the end of the string
   i1 & i2 limit the search as in find

   defaults:   same as for find
   errors:     same as for find & lastc

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