shquote.icn: Procedures to quote word for UNIX-like shells

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December 30, 1993; Robert J. Alexander
This file is in the public domain.

The following procedures are useful for writing Icon programs that
generate shell commands.  Certain characters cannot appear in the
open in strings that are to be interpreted as "words" by command
shells.  This family of procedures assists in quoting such strings so
that they will be interpreted as single words.  Quoting characters
are applied only if necessary -- if strings need no quoting they are
returned unchanged.

shquote(s1, s2, ..., sN) :  s -- Produces a string of words s1, s2,
..., sN that are properly separated and quoted for the Bourne Shell

cshquote(s1, s2, ..., sN) :  s -- Produces a string of words s1, s2, ..., sN
that are properly separated and quoted for the C-Shell (csh).

mpwquote(s1, s2, ..., sN) :  s -- Produces a string of words s1, s2,
..., sN that are properly separated and quoted for the Macintosh
Programmer's Workshop shell (MPW Shell).

dequote(s1,s2) : s3 -- Produces the UNIX-style command line word s1
with any quoting characters removed. s2 is the escape character
required by the shell (s2 defaults the the usual UNIX escape
character, the backslash "\\").

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