speedo.icn: Procedure to indicate percentage of completion

link speedo
March 25, 2002; Robert J. Alexander
This file is in the public domain.

speedo -- a "percentage complete" graphic indicator for
command-line-oriented user interfaces.

This is a general facility that can function for anything, and a
specific implementation for input files.

The general implementation consists of two procedures:

      SpeedoNew -- Starts a speedo
      SpeedoValue -- Sets a new value for the speedo (non-decreasing)

See FileSpeedo for an example of using the general facility.

FileSpeedo is especially for input files.  Here is how to use it, by

  f := open("input_file") | stop("!!!")
  FileSpeedo(f,75,&errout)            # Start a file speedo, specifying
                                      # length and output file
  while read(f) do {
     FileSpeedo(f)                    # Keep it updated while reading file
  FileSpeedo()                        # Finish up

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