daystil.icn: Program to calculate the number of days until a given date

June 29, 1994; Nevin Liber
This file is in the public domain.
Usage:    daystil sMonth iDay

    0   number of days written on &output
    1   Usage message on &errout (bad parameters)

Revision History:
    <1> njl  6/29/94 9:50 PM        First written

This program calculates the number of days between the current date
and the date specified on the command line, and writes this number to
&output.  This is useful if you want to know how many days it is
until a birthday, wedding day, etc.

The date on the command line can be specified in a variety of ways.
For instance, if you wanted to know how many days it is until
August 12 (my birthday), you could specify it as "August 12", "Aug 12",
"12 August", or "12 aUGuS", among others.  The match is case
insensitive, and the arguments will be accepted as long as exactly
one of them is an integer, and if there are exactly two arguments.

NumberOfDays(sMonth, iDay, iYear) : iNumberOfDays

NumberOfDays() returns the number of days into iYear that sMonth/iDay
occurs.  For instance, NumberOfDays("February", 28) returns 59, since
it is the 59th day into any year.  Leap years from 1901 until 2099
are taken into account.  It fails if any parameters are bad.

    sMonth  current month
    iDay    current day of the current month
    iYear   current year

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