deal.icn: Program to deal bridge hands

August 14, 1996; Ralph E. Griswold
This file is in the public domain.
   This program shuffles, deals, and displays hands in the game
of bridge.  An example of the output of deal is

               S: KQ987
               H: 52
               D: T94
               C: T82

     S: 3                S: JT4
     H: T7               H: J9863
     D: AKQ762           D: J85
     C: QJ94             C: K7

               S: A652
               H: AKQ4
               D: 3
               C: A653


Options: The following options are available:

     -h n Produce n hands. The default is 1.

     -s n Set the seed for random generation to n.  Different
          seeds give different hands.  The default seed is 0.

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