envelope.icn: Program to address envelopes

August 14, 1996; Ronald Florence
This file is in the public domain.
This program addresses envelopes on a Postscript or HP-LJ printer,
including barcodes for the zip code.  A line beginning with `#' or
an optional alternate separator can be used to separate multiple
addresses.  The parser will strip the formatting commands from an
address in a troff or LaTeX letter.

usage: envelope [options] < address(es)

Typically, envelope is used from inside an editor.  In emacs, mark
the region of the address and do
     M-| envelope
In vi, put the cursor on the first line of the address and do
     :,+N w !envelope
where N = number-of-lines-in-address.

The barcode algorithm is adapted from a perl script by Todd Merriman
<todd@toolz.uucp>, Dave Buck <dave@dlb.uucp>, and Andy Rabagliati

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