htprep.icn: Program to prepare HTML files

November 3, 2000; Gregg M. Townsend
This file is in the public domain.
usage:  htprep [file]

Htprep is a filter for preparing HTML files (used, e.g., by Mosaic)
from a simpler and less error-prone input language.

The following transformations are applied:

     input           output
     ------------    ------------
     {!comment}      <!--comment-->
     {tag}           <tag>
     {tag ... }      <tag> ... <\tag>
       att=val...      att="val"...
     {@url ...       <a href="url" ...
     {:lbl ...       <a name="lbl" ...

Any input character can be preceded by a backslash (\) to prevent
special interpretation by htprep.

Output is normally to stdout, but the command
     {divert fname}
redirects output to the named file.  This can be used to produce
multiple related output files from a single input file.

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