kwic.icn: Program to produce keywords in context

February 15, 1995; Stephen B. Wampler, modified by Ralph E. Griswold
This file is in the public domain.
   This is a simple keyword-in-context (KWIC) program. It reads from
standard input and writes to standard output. The "key" words are
aligned in column 40, with the text shifted as necessary. Text shifted
left is truncated at the left. Tabs and other characters whose "print width"
is less than one may not be handled properly.

   If an integer is given on the command line, it overrides the default

   Some noise words are omitted (see "exceptions" in the program text).
If a file named except.wrd is open and readable in the current directory,
the words in it are used instead.

   This program is pretty simple.  Possible extensions include ways
of specifying words to be omitted, more flexible output formatting, and
so on.  Another "embellisher's delight".

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