post.icn: Program to post news

August 14, 1996; Ronald Florence
This file is in the public domain.
This program posts a news article to Usenet.  Given an optional
argument of the name of a file containing a news article, or an
argument of "-" and a news article via stdin, post creates a
follow-up article, with an attribution and quoted text.  The
newsgroups, subject, distribution, follow-up, and quote-prefix can
optionally be specified on the command line.

    usage: post [options] [article | -]
             -n newsgroups
             -s subject
             -d distribution
             -f followup-to
             -p quote-prefix (default ` > ')

See the site & system configuration options below.  On systems
posting via inews, post validates newsgroups and distributions in
the `active' and `distributions' files in the news library directory.

Bugs: Newsgroup validation assumes the `active' file is sorted.
      Non-UNIX sites need hardcoded system information.

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