ranstars.icn: Program to display star field

March 2, 1996; Ralph E. Griswold
Requires: co-expressions, ANSI terminal
This file is in the public domain.
   This program display a random field of "stars" on an ANSI terminal.
It displays stars at randomly chosen positions on the screen until
the specified maximum number is reached. It then extinguishes existing
stars and creates new ones for the specified steady-state time, after
which the stars are extinguished, one by one.

   The programming technique is worth noting. It is originally due to
Steve Wampler.

   The options are:

     -m n    maximum number of stars, default 10.

     -t n    length of steady-state time before stars are extinguished,
               default 50.

     -s c    the character to be used for "stars", default *. If
               more than one character is given, only the first is

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